Home improvement: One repair at a time
Tis the season ... for home
improvement. Longer days,
warmer weather and more fl exible
schedules (hello, summer break!)
have a way of inspiring home improvement
projects. It's as if appliances in
and around the house emerge from
the shadows of winter, calling out for
attention. Suddenly, the dishwasher
rack has rusted, the washing machine
agitator has ceased to work, the A/C
unit is making a strange clicking noise
and the lawnmower blade is broken.
Now is the perfect time to repair these
assets around the home, and doing it
yourself has never been easier or more
aff ordable.
Consider the many benefi ts of DIY
appliance repair, aside from the personal
satisfaction it off ers. The cost
to repair an appliance is typically
a fraction of the cost of replacing it
altogether. The money saved could be
applied toward larger home improvement
projects, such as new fl ooring or
an upgraded bathroom.
New appliances may be diff erent sizes
and feature dissimilar fi nishes than
their predecessors. This could make it
diffi cult for homeowners to replace an
older appliance with a new one that fi ts
in the same space and matches the look
of other nearby appliances. Repairing
appliances, rather than replacing
them, enables homeowners to keep
the original appliances they selected
and are accustomed to using, knowing
they complement their home design
and decorating style. DIY repair also
means avoiding the hassle of scheduling
a service call, having to take a
vacation day from work to wait for
a repair person at home and experiencing
the frustration of a technician
failing to show or bringing the wrong
replacement part.
The proliferation of how-to articles
and DIY videos online has made it possible
for homeowners to tackle appliance
repair projects on their own, saving
both time and money. The key to their
success is fi nding the correct replacement
parts. Most home improvement
stores sell aft ermarket parts for appliances,
but these parts can undermine
the best repair work and even damage
appliances. For example, they may be
lower quality than the parts they are
replacing, may not fi t or function as
well as the original and may not carry
the same warranty protection.
Sites like RepairClinic.com sell
only original replacement parts, so
homeowners can be confident the
products they purchase are approved
for use and guaranteed to work in their
appliances. With over 7 million appliance
parts and maintenance products
for over 200 appliances, including
lawn equipment, outdoor power
equipment and heating and cooling
equipment brands, Repair Clinic has
helped more than 20 million people
save over $2.5 billion in repair costs.
Repair Clinic also off ers same-day shipping,
thousands of expertly produced
video tutorials, a 365-day return policy
and live customer service support.
This season, commit to repairing the
appliances in and around the house
that are calling out for help. You'll
save time and money, and enjoy the
satisfaction of doing it yourself!
Courtesy BPT