

46 The Courier SuN • JUNE 11, 2015 for breaking news visit for breaking news visit JUNE 11, 2015 • times 27 victoria’s secrets VICTORIA SCHNEPS-YUNIS [email protected] Sloane Londyn Dynamic for all the news 24 hours, 7 days a week DENTAL go WORK to 175-15 Jamaica avenue, Jamaica 718-297-4100 • 718-297-4106 tweet me @vschneps Free Whitening included Some excluSionS Apply the inViSiBle WAy to StrAighten teeth third generation dentist $1000 off Lumineers $500 off Invisalign My baby had a baby! Dr. irving buterman did it again! The hours ticked away as we awaited 2-yearold Hudson’s precious sister’s arrival. The doctor had safely delivered him at Lenox Hill Hospital and now he was entrusted with tracey’s care and delivery for the arrival of sloane Londyn. His sensitive, warm, knowledgeable and kind manner had made me feel comfortable at the last delivery and when he walked onto the delivery floor, I gave him a big hug and welcoming kiss. I knew he would take good care of Tracey. Having had my first baby turn blue in the nursery and suffer brain damage, each of my children’s babies’ births fills me with feelings of fear, elation and hope – all mixed together. I arrived at the hospital at 11 a.m. expecting the C-section to be done at 12:30. Within the hour, my daughters elizabeth and samantha had arrived, followed by Tracey’s mom and dad from California and then Josh’s dad. We filled the waiting room outside the delivery room to the point where the nurses asked us to go outside. I resisted because I wanted to be there when they took Tracey into the operating room and when she delivered. There was Josh waiting in the hall outside the operating room so I stood with him while Tracey got her spinal behind the closed doors. My heart was pounding when I waved goodbye as he entered the operating suite. Time seemed to stand still as I watched the clock tick away the minutes. I made a few phone calls and paced the hallway. Tracey’s mom eileen stayed with me and about an hour later I decided to take a look in the recovery room. To my delight, there was Josh with our perfect new darling! Tracey was still in the operating room but dear Dr. Buterman came out to reassure us she was fine and the baby was perfect! I couldn’t help crying and sobbing with relief and gratitude. A miracle had arrived! I am so grateful she is healthy, born at 7-1/2 lbs., all peaches and cream. Here is some advice from your Grandmee: Live life like a surfer on the ocean. Take the waves and navigate them as best you can, but when you are thrown down, pick yourself up and start again because that is what it’s all about – making it through the waves of life! May it be gentle for you. You come into a family filled with love who were all with you from the moment you entered the world, standing at mommy and daddy’s side to greet you. That is your power and greatest gift! Welcome to the world, my darling Sloane Londyn. With eternal love, Grandmee What makes her “arrival” even more powerful for me is that she will be named in memory of my beloved Stuart whom I lost two years ago. In the Jewish faith, all babies are named in memory of those who have died and I do believe we live on in the lives of the next generation, so I’m grateful for the honor they are giving Stu. The baby’s middle name will be in memory of Josh’s sister, my daughter Lara. That love was felt all weekend by my daughters Samantha and Elizabeth who made birthday celebrations for their loved ones. Sami’s husband spencer turned 40 and Elizabeth’s addy became 4. Spencer’s party was a repeat of his frat days at the University of Michigan and Addy’s was a Halloween Petting Zoo party with all the 4-year-old guests in costumes. What fun! I am riding the wave of great joy and lapping it up!! Births and birthday celebrations Addy and Morgan with Uncle Josh We welcome Sloane Londyn Hudson now has a sister to love as he does his cousin Morgan Minutes before Josh joined Tracey in the operating room, the family gathered to support him

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