Queens Pride Parade a colorful celebration of love
Rainbow fl ags proudly fl ew throughout Jackson Heights on June 2 during
the annual Queens Pride Parade, hosted by the Queens Lesbian and
Gay Pride Committee. The colorful celebration of LGBT rights included
entertainers, cheer groups, musicians and more. Photos by Dean Moses
Natural Gas Supplies at Risk
in NYC and Long Island.
We Need Your Support!
National Grid does not have enough natural gas supply to keep
up with the current growth rate in New York City and Long Island,
including new construction and continued oil-to-gas conversions.
To support this growth, we entered into an agreement with Williams to
construct the Northeast Supply Enhancement (NESE) Project, which
will supply the additional natural gas needed to support expansion in
the region.
Without NESE, National Grid will not be able to supply natural gas
to new commercial, industrial and residential customers to heat our
homes or run our businesses. This puts the region’s economic growth
at risk, as well as impeding state and city carbon emission goals.
Act by June 14. Tell the NY Department of Environmental
Conservation (NY DEC) that you support approval of NESE.
Please email your note of support to Ms. Karen Gaidasz at
NESEproject@dec.ny.gov or by mail at:
Karen Gaidasz
NYSDEC – Division of Environmental Permits
625 Broadway, 4th Floor
Albany, NY 12233