TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 29, 2014 • 16 58-01 COOPER AVE. RIDGEWOOD NY 11385 347-513-4915 BAD CREDIT• NO CREDIT • NO PROBLEM TAX ID CREDIT•CARFAX AVAILABLE • WE ACCEPT ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS 22001100 GGMMCC SSaavvaannaa 11550000 Price: $22,995 Mileage:114,031 5.3L V8,Automatic 4- Speed,Runs Like New 22000066 FFoorrdd EExxpplloorreerr Price: $5,995 Mileage:120,124 6-Cylinder V6, 4.0L (244 CID); SOHC,5 Speed Automatic, XLS 4.0L 4WD 22000055 IInnffiinniittii GG3355 Price: $6,900 Mileage:155,187 3.5L V6 Automatic 5-Speed x AWD 4dr Sedan Runs Like New 22000033 LLeexxuuss GGSS 330000 Price: $6,395 Mileage:151,766 GS 300 6-Cylinder L6, 3.0L; DOHC 24V; VVT-i 5 Speed Semi- Automatic 22000011 AAccuurraa MMDDXX Price: $5,995 Mileage:153,123 3.5L V6, Automatic 5-Speed, Runs Like New 22000055 AAuuddii AA88 Price: $8,395 Mileage:151,845 Sedan 8-Cylinder V8, 4.2L 6 Speed Semi-Automatic Runs Great 2005 Chevrolet Astro Base Price: $5,995 Mileage:147,361 4.3L V6 Automatic 4-Speed Runs Like New WE OFFER LIFE TIME WARRANTY ON MOST CARS ©Times Newsweekly - 2014 - KAPOS 2007 Chevrolet Equinox LS Price: $4,995 Mileage:159,473 3.4L V6 Automatic 5-Speed Runs Like New 22000044 HHoonnddaa OOddyysssseeyy EEXX Price: $4,995 Mileage:138,800 6-Cylinder,V6, 3.5L, Leather and DVD, Runs Great 22000055 CChhrryysslleerr PPaacciiffiiccaa Price: $4,900 Mileage:120,975 3.5L V6,Automatic 4-Speed,Touring 4dr Wagon, Runs Great 22000066 JJeeeepp CCoommmmaannddeerr Price: $7,900 Mileage:79,646 Base 4dr SUV 4WD 3.7L V6 Automatic 5-Speed Runs Great 22000044 LLiinnccoollnn NNaavviiggaattoorr Price: 6,995 Mileage:118,323 Luxury 4WD 4dr SUV 5.4L V8 Automatic 4-Speed Runs Great 22000044 AAccuurraa MMDDXX Price: $7,995 Mileage:155,323 Base AWD 4dr SUV 3.5L V6 Automatic 5- Speed Runs Great 22000044 BBMMWW 77 SSeerriieess Price: $8,995 Mileage:120,010 745Li 4dr Sedan 4.4L V8 Automatic 6-Speed Runs Like New 2002 Ford Escape Price: $3,995 Mileage:105,536 XLT Choice 2WD 4dr SUV3.0L V6 Automatic 4-Speed 22000066 CChheevvrroolleett EExxpprreessss Price: $5,995 Mileage:145,133 2500 Cargo 8-Cylinder V8, 4.8L Runs Great 22000088 DDooddggee DDuurraannggoo SSXXTT Price: $6,995 Mileage:130,099 4.7L V8,Automatic 5-Speed, Runs Like New 22000088 CChhrr yysslleerr SSeebbrriinngg Price: $3,995 Mileage:141,441 4-Cylinder L4, 2.4L; DOHC 16V 4 Speed Automatic Sedan LX 22000055 JJeeeepp LLiibbeerr ttyy Price: $4,995 Mileage:132,982 6-Cylinder V6, 3.7L (225 CID) Runs Like New 22000044 HHoonnddaa PPiilloott LLXX Price: $5,995 Mileage:162,384 3.5L V6 Automatic 5-Speed Runs Like New 22000066 AAccuurraa MMDDXX Price: $9,995 Mileage:149,614 Touring w/Navi w/RES AWD 4dr SUV w/Nav, Entertainment System 22000033 CCaaddiillllaacc EEssccaallaaddee Price: $8,995 Mileage:140,310 EXT Sport Utility Truck4-Cylinder L4, 2.4L; DOHC 16V 4 Speed Automatic 22000055 FFoorrdd EExxppeeddiittiioonn Price: $5,995 Mileage:138,585 XLT 4WD 4dr SUV 5.4L V8 Automatic 4-Speed 22000033 CChheevvrroolleett SSiillvveerraaddoo Price: $5,995 Mileage:133,280 1500 Base 8-Cylinder 5.3L V8 Automatic 4-Speed Runs Like New 22000099 DDooddggee GGrraanndd CCaarraavvaann Price: $6,900 Mileage:145,014 3.3L V6, Automatic 4-Speed,Mini Van Pasnger 4dr RWD, Runs Great 22000044 CChhrryysslleerr TToowwnn aanndd CCoouunnttrryy Price: $4,995 Mileage:115,483 6-Cylinder V6, 3.8L 4 Speed Automatic, Limited, Runs Great 22000055 KKiiaa SSoorreennttoo Price: $3,995 Mileage:131,474 LX 4WD 4dr SUV 3.5L V6,Runs Great 22000044 HHyyuunnddaaii SSaannttaa FFee Price: $4,995 Mileage:123,984 Base 4-Cylinder L4, 2.4L (2351 cc) Runs Great 22000066 AAccuurraa MMDDXX Price: $9,995 Mileage:130,145 Base AWD 4dr SUV 3.5L V6 Automatic 5-Speed Runs Great 2002 Chevrolet Astro 2WD Price: $4,395 Mileage:121,906 6-Cylinder V6, 4.3L (262 CID); 90 deg.; C 4 Speed Auto Runs Great 22000077 FFoorrdd EExxppeeddiittiioonn EELL Price: $9,995 Mileage:141,303 EL Eddie Bauer 4WD 8-Cylinder V8, 5.4L; SOHC 22000055 CChhrryysslleerr 330000 Price: $5,995 Mileage:148,150 Touring 3.5L V6 Automatic 4-Speed Runs Great
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