

2fo4r tbirmeeask i n• gF EnBeRwUsA RvYis 1i1t, w20w1w6. q n s . c o m F E B R U A R Y 1 1 , F2O01R6 B• RbuEzAzK I•N tGh eN EQWueSe VnIsS CITo uwrwiwe.rqn s5.c9om Victoria’s Secrets Victoria SCHNEPS-YUNIS [email protected] Dynamic for all the news 24 hours, 7 days a week DENTAL WORK Free Whitening included the inViSiBle WAy to Some excluSionS Apply StrAighten teeth 175-15 Jamaica avenue, Jamaica 718-297-4100 • 718-297-4106 go to www.third generation dentist $1500 off Lumineers $500 off Invisalign The billion-dollar football teams took to the field and they found an audience in all of us. If you are a football fan or not, they got us all involved in the 50th anniversary Big Game. How brilliant! My little family had a noontime party for all of 6-year-old Jonah and 4-year-old addy’s friends and their mothers. For two days, elizabeth worked to make it fun for the kids, and she impressed me with her creativity. On arrival, each child chose from the two teams’ colors to wear beads around their necks. Then she had kids make pompoms using toilet paper cardboard she had saved and streamers she had bought. The day before, she baked plain cookies and at the party, the kids decorated them with frosting and sprinkles and M&Ms, all in Super Bowl team colors. It amazed me as I watched the kids playing with our new dog Prince Chewy, a 5-month-old Cavalier. Jonah decided we didn’t have enough men in the house so a male dog fit the bill! The sweet dog never complained as the kids carried him and chased him around the house. I love how gentle Addy and Jonah are with him. So far, so good.... I was happy to read that we had a Super Ref for the game who came from Brooklyn, our own wayne Mackie. It's the first Big Game for the 56-year-old ref who has been working part time for the NFL since 2007. His full-time job is working for the nYC housing Department, and his family was quoted as saying, "It's a dream come true," and I'm so happy that our city has some involvement in the game! My favorite part of the game is watching the quarterbacks do their dance to pass the ball. What finesse! What power! Then I must admit I loved Lady gaga’s red iridescent suit and her fabulous style and talent singing the challenging “Star- Spangled Banner.” Her performance must be that song’s best rendition. And of course, the commercials are a rip! How many creative minds and artists went into producing the imaginative multiple second show-stoppers! It's part of the fun of the Big Game. The half-time show is entertainment at its best! And it's live! Remarkable performances! I loved the talent, creativity, energy and excitement, and directing, it made me feel like I was there. It was brilliant! Coldplay’s show was good, but did you catch beyonce’s moves with her fabulous mane of long, curled blonde hair blowing in the wind? She stole the show! And even though it was only a series of seconds, I loved to see the great performers who had entertained at previous Big Games, a who’s who of performers. The ending blew me away when the entire stadium turned over colorful cards to read "Believe in Love!" The game has become more than a game; it's bringing friends and families together for the “big day.” And I'm grateful that it gave all my children a reason to visit. Here's to parties! Here's to enjoying the Super Bowl – at home! Goodbye, dear friend It was five years ago that we acquired the legendary Home Reporter and Spectator News. And from the moment we took over the decadesold newspapers, Larry Morrish embraced and welcomed us. I will never forget his loyalty and kindness and friendship. Sadly, we all lost the iconic member of the Bay Ridge community with his passing on Feb. 8. It's a personal loss as well as a loss for the community but most of all my heart swells with love and sympathy for his beloved wife Phillipa. Larry enriched all our lives by his presence and I loved reading his weekly column in our newspapers. He can never be replaced! May he rest in peace. tweet me @vschneps Hudson, Addy, Sloane and Jonah The whole world stopped Great game! Great gathering! A short blow of snow When I woke up on Friday to inches of snow, I couldn’t believe it would force me to cancel my trip to see my grandson ben play in his basketball game. The slosh and skidding as I drove to work made me feel like I must be crazy driving in the heavy snowfall. But I made it safely to Bayside and within three hours the sun was out and the snow began to melt. Remarkable! Back to plan A, and off we went to see Ben masterfully play and win his Dalton game! Jonah with his mom and Super Bowl cookie Morgan dressed to the nines with Doritos on each hand Neighbor Madison Frankel with Prince Chewy

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