Cops injured in Springfi eld Gardens shooting return home
Th ey got home just in time for a
Thanksgiving dinner they’ll always
Two of New York’s Finest who werewounded
Photo by Lloyd Mitchell
Richards announces members of transition team
Joe Biden isn’t the only president-elect
putting together a transition team.
Queens Borough President-elect
Donovan Richards announced the roster
for his nearly 130-person transition team
on Monday, Nov. 30.
Spread across 14 committees, the group
of advisers boasts a diverse range of interests
— some members hail from the halls
of government, others serve as nonprofi t
leaders or community activists.
Lead by Rhonda Binda, the chairwoman
of South Asian American Voice, the
team’s co-chairs include Assemblywoman
Catalina Cruz, former Manhattan
Borough President Ruth Messinger and
Dennis Walcott, the former schools chancellor.
“As we look towards the future of
Queens it’s so important that we have
community input from every corner of
our borough,” Richards said. “I ran my
campaign with a vision of creating a
stronger and more unifi ed Queens that
works for everyone. Th ere’s no question
we have a tough road ahead, but with this
diverse team of advocates, community
leaders and policy makers I know that we
will start off on the path to success.”
Th ough the results are yet to be certifi ed
by the New York City Board of Elections,
Richards beat out Republican challenger
Joann Ariola in the November election.
Th e city councilman can take over
the offi ce from acting Borough President
Sharon Lee, who has lead Borough Hall
since January 2020, any time aft er the
results are certifi ed.
Th e policy issues addressed within the
transition team include committees on
immigration, community boards, education,
transportation, economic development,
seniors and veterans aff airs, youth
and a committee dedicated to tourism,
arts, parks, entertainment and sports.
Th e transition team also includes more
administrative committees dedicated to
advising on appointments, the hiring of
a new staff , public communications and
community aff airs.
Among some of the many notable
appointees to the transition team
include former borough president candidate
and current city councilman, Costa
Constantinides, who will serve as the
chair of the Planning Committee, and
Khaleel Anderson, who, at 24 years old,
will serve as New York’s youngest-ever
Black lawmaker in the state Assembly.
Anderson will advise Richards on both the
Youth and the Personnel/Appointments
chairs-1 for a full list of the members
of Richard’s transition team.
in a Springfi eld Gardens shootoutearlier
this week got a hero’s exit on
Th ursday morning from Jamaica Hospital.
Offi cers Christopher Wells and Joseph
Murphy of the 105th Precinct were released
from the medical center on Nov. 26 aft er surviving
a brush with death while responding
to a domestic violence incident in Springfi eld
Gardens. Th ey were hit by gunfi re from an
armed suspect, Rondell Goppy, who was
shot dead by other responding cops.
Wells suff ered a gunshot wound to his
leg and fractured his femur, while Murphy
sustained a bullet wound to his hand. Both
men needed surgery, and will require
weeks of physical rehab, to recover.
As nurses escorted them from the
hospital, the two offi cers were met by
their loved ones — and with thunderous
applause from a large, masked crowd
of their colleagues, including Police
Commissioner Dermot Shea.
Th e NYPD Pipe and Drum Band also
played triumphantly for the offi cers who
survived their ordeal.
“Both these offi cers have a long road
ahead of them and a lot to be thankful for
on this Th anksgiving,” Shea said.
Police Benevolent Association President
Pat Lynch was also there to greet the
wounded offi cers upon their release
from the hospital. He said Tuesday’s incident
demonstrated the type of risk every
NYPD offi cer faces on duty in protection
of New Yorkers.
With reporting by Lloyd Mitchell
File photo by Todd Maisel