Addabbo urges education on fi ve ballot proposals
State Sen. Joseph Addabbo is urging
voters to get educated about fi ve ballot
proposals they are being asked to weigh
in on for the Nov. 2 citywide general
Meanwhile, the good-government
watchdog group Citizens Union endorsed
four of the fi ve measures, giving a thumbs
down to the fi rst proposal on the ballot,
which they argue could create a partisan
redistricting commission.
“Th ese ballot proposals are very important
as they will shape the way we vote,
the district lines, how the City Civil Court
operates, and our relationship to the environment,”
Addabbo said. “I’ve had some
constituents who received their absentee
ballots come to my offi ce asking about
these proposals and what they mean. I
believe it is vital that voters know and
understand what they are being asked to
vote on.”
Th e fi rst ballot proposal relates to redistricting.
Th is proposal is a constitutional
amendment that would freeze the number
of state senators at 63. It also looks
to amend the process for the counting of
New York state’s population, delete certain
provisions that violate the United States
Constitution, amend the procedures for
appointing co-directors of redistricting
commission, and amend the procedure
for determining congressional and state
legislative lines.
Th is means that incarcerated individuals
would be counted at the residence
where they last resided, for the purpose
of redistricting. Native Americans and
non-citizens would be counted for the
NY Census if the Federal Census does not
count them.
Citizens Union recommends a no vote
on Question 1, noting it would make
changes to the redistricting process in
New York state, just weeks before the constitutional
deadline for drawing new legislative
boundaries. Th is amendment contains
a number of provisions, but Citizens
Union is most concerned that it would
remove the protections that ensure no one
political party could dominate the redistricting
By lowering the needed majority and
changing voting procedures to approve
new maps, the amendment eff ectively
cuts off the minority party from having
any infl uence on the redistricting process,
Citizens Union argues.
“For generations, New York’s redistricting
process had been controlled by the
party in power. Voters rejected this brazen
partisanship in 2014 when they voted
to create an Independent Redistricting
Commission. While Question 1 contains
some positive provisions, we feel
as though it clears a pathway for the legislature
to reclaim infl uence over redistricting
so they can draw lines to protect
incumbents and strip the minority party’s
power. Voters should vote no on Question
1,” said Betsy Gotbaum, executive director
of Citizens Union.
Th e second proposal would establish
a person’s right to clean air and water,
and a healthful environment. It would
require that state and local governments
and businesses consider the environmental
impacts of decision-making policies.
Currently, 43 states have some form
of environmental consideration in their
state constitutions, but New York would
become the third state to consider a clean
environment a civil right.
Citizens Union recommends a yes vote
on this proposal.
Questions 3 and 4 deal with current voting
laws. Th e third proposal looks to allow
the state Legislature to enact laws allowing
a citizen to register to vote less than 10
days before an election. As of right now,
20 other states allow for same-day voter
Th e fourth ballot proposal would delete
the absentee ballot requirement that a
voter is unable to appear at the polls if
absent from the country, or due to an illness
or disability. Th is means that any qualifi
ed voter could request an absentee ballot
for a primary or general election with no
reason required. Currently, 34 states and
Washington, D.C., do not require reasons
to request an absentee ballot.
“For too long, New York state had
regressive voting laws that depressed voter
participation. Citizens Union believes
that our democracy is at its strongest
when more of us are participating. Th at is
why we have long advocated for reforms
like same-day voter registration and noexcuse
absentee voting which make it easier
for more New Yorkers to vote. Th ese
reforms will be a boon to democracy in
New York, and we encourage voters to
vote yes on Questions 3 and 4,” Gotbaum
Th e fi nal proposal looks to increase the
New York City Civil Court’s jurisdiction
by allowing it to hear and decide claims
for up to $50,000. Th e current limit for
the NYC Civil Court is $25,000, and it was
last changed in 1983.
Citizens Union recommends a yes vote
on this question, noting the increase is reasonable,
amounting to less than the rate of
infl ation over the past four decades. It will
also reduce the backlog of cases before the
state Supreme Court.
As for Addabbo’s view on the proposals,
the lawmaker thinks what’s more important
than his opinion is that voters be educated
on them before entering the voting
booth and being blindsided by them.
“If you need more information about
these proposals, or want to know my
stance on any of them as a state senator,
please call my offi ce at 718-738-1111. Be
sure to do your research, consider each
ballot proposal and vote on these important
issues this November,” Addabbo said.