Crowley concedes in borough president primary race
Queens appears to have a
Democratic nominee for borough
In an early aft ernoon message
on social media, former
Councilwoman Elizabeth
Crowley conceded the
Democratic primary for borough
president to Councilman
Donovan Richards.
“I recently called Council
Member Richards to congratulate
him and to give him my
full support as he becomes the
Democratic nominee for Queens
borough president,” Crowley
said on Twitter.
Speaking to her supporters,
she added, “I wanted you to
hear it from me fi rst: while the
Board of Elections has not offi -
cially called the race, and some
districts are still getting tallied,
the numbers to win are just not
with us.”
Th e city’s Board of Elections
is currently in the process of
counting absentee ballots cast
in the June 23 primary. Th e
BOE counts ballots by Assembly
Districts and won’t have a full
count of votes for the Queens
borough president race until
each district has been counted.
Th e BOE has not confi rmed
the results of the Democratic
primary for Queens borough
Although he refrained from
claiming victory outright,
Richards said he was “proud
to call Crowley a friend,” in
response to Crowley’s tweet.
“I admire her commitment
to Queens and look forward
to working with her to
unite our borough moving into
November,” Richards said.
Th e southeast Queens legislator
held about a 10,000 vote
lead aft er last month’s in person
voting. In addition to Richards
and Crowley, Councilman Costa
Constantinides, retired NYPD
Sergeant Anthony Miranda and
businessman Dao Yin also ran
for the nomination.
“I want to thank all of my supporters
who made their voices
heard at the ballot box or by voting
absentee. I’m proud of the
issues that we spoke about and
the work that we did throughout
this campaign,” Richards said
in a statement. “I’ve spent my life
fi ghting for racial equity, and I’ll
continue that fi ght in my remaining
months in the City Council
and in the future at Borough Hall.”
Richards added that he hopes
to serve as a unifying voice for
the “World’s Borough.”
“Over the last few months
I’ve spoken with thousands of
Queens voters about the issues
facing our communities. In a
borough as diverse as ours, each
neighborhood oft en has their
own priorities, but we remain
one Queens,” he said. “I’ve also
gotten to know the others who
ran in this race, and the issues
that they spoke about so passionately
with Queens residents.
All of them want the best for our
borough, and I hope to be able to
continue to work with them so
that we can build a Queens that
works for everyone.”
If confi rmed as the nominee,
Richards will face Chairwoman
of the Queens County
Republican Party Joann Ariola
in the November election for
Queens borough president.
Election 2020
FIile photos
Elizabeth Crowley and Donovan Richards
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