Th e city is going to crack down on the
increased use of illegal fi reworks throughout
the fi ve boroughs, Mayor Bill de Blasio
announced Tuesday. During his daily briefi ng,
de Blasio noted that the use of illegal fi reworks
is not just an issue of quality of life or a noise
problem — it is also an issue of public safety.
According to de Blasio, the city needs to get
to the root of the situation and cut off the supply
of illegal fi reworks that are being sold in the
city, so the city is starting a multi-agency task
force to crack down on illegal fi reworks sales.
Th e task force will consist of 10 offi cers
from NYPD Intelligence Bureau, 12 FDNY
Fire Marshals and 20 members of the Sheriff ’s
Bureau of Criminal Investigation, and they
will focus their eff orts on suppliers, distributors
and possessors of large quantities of illegal
fi reworks by conducting investigations and
sting operations within and outside of New
York City to disrupt supply chains.
“Illegal fi reworks are both dangerous and
a public nuisance,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio.
“We’re cracking down on this activity at the
source to ensure the safety of all New Yorkers
and the ability of our neighbors to get some
Th e FDNY will also launch a public safety
campaign, including public service announcements
and social media, to illustrate the dangers
of illegal fi reworks. “Fireworks are illegal
in New York City for a reason: they are
extremely dangerous and can cause fi res and
serious injuries,” said Fire Commissioner
Daniel A. Nigro.
“Our Fire Marshals will work closely with
their fellow law enforcement agencies to
address this growing problem that is impacting
New Yorkers in communities across our
city.” Mayor de Blasio also stated that the annual
Macy’s Fourth of July fi reworks show will
take a diff erent form this year. In an eff ort to
reduce public gatherings amid the coronavirus
pandemic, there will be separate fi reworks
shows in each borough.
Starting June 29, weather permitting, Macy’s
is bringing a unique fi ve-minute show to one
of the fi ve boroughs and will have tributes to
frontline and essential workers.
Th e fi rst night of fi reworks saw the skies light
up above Coney Island Monday, with the red,
white, and blue Steeplechase Parachute Jump
serving as a backdrop.
Th e fi nale will air on July 4 on NBC. Th e
goal is to try and give New Yorkers a fi rework
show that they can enjoy from the comfort of
their own boroughs without having to gather
in Manhattan and possibly exposing themselves
to COVID-19.
“Th is July is going to take on added meaning.
We’ve all been through so much and we are
fi nally making sustained progress, knock on
wood we’ve got a lot more to go,” said de Blasio.
“But everyone of you who has worked so hard
on social distancing, the shelter in place, the
face coverings to get us to this day, we’re celebrating
you. We’re celebrating the city. We’re
celebrating this country at a moment where we
all need to take stock and be proud of what we
had done together.”
Photo by Todd Maisel
The Macy's fi reworks are spaced out over the course of several days this year, with the fi rst late-night show taking place in Coney Island.
REUTERS/Lucas Jackson
Independence Day