Worried you may have COVID-19? Here’s what you can do
Whether you’ve had exposure to someone
The Old-Old Personality and Aging
Old-old (85+) is a time for meditation,
contemplation, not necessarily camaraderie.
Camaraderie is seen more with a
younger population who have unlimited
energy and similarities in background,
development and interest. Th e old-old
are friendly but can display egocentricity,
a term associated with physiological
necessity, a mechanism for survival and
not selfi shness.
When the old-old congregate, several
clinical factors tend to la ck potential
opportunity for human contact and
social communication. Th is is, in part,
due to the varying stages of a progressing
hard of hearing, an increased failing
eyesight and a multiple of bodily failures,
and the fact that so many have a special
commonality with each other based on
age similarity and mutual historical relationships.
Before continuing, I wish to off er two
Merriam-Webster defi nitions I’ve used as
clarifi cation: ego-sensitivity - “concerned
or overly concerned with the self ” and
camaraderie - “friendly feeling and good
will among comrades.”
Th e old-old generation is even more
unique in their life patterns than the
young-old because they have lived longer.
Th ey may have less energy to deal with
the complex situations encountered or
are unable to relate to other oldsters who
can be overly challenging. He or she,
however, tends to pay close attention to
the quality of others.
Th e old-old individual can frequently
sense when someone is not genuine
or honest or who may demonstrate an
unproven or unacceptable activity.
Th ey will react with exasperating
actions because they see clearly through
the façade but lack the emotional energy
to be civil as earlier. Th e old-old generation
has greater need than ever to hold
onto others. A preoccupation with their
body is a frequent topic of conversation
and with other elderly individuals who
may respond in kind. Th e old-old appreciate
the richness of the moment, their
joys and unfortunately, their sorrows that
may follow. Th ey fully realize the transience
of life and more than likely start
each day with feelings of expectancy, not
with boredom. Th eir future is today!
As a result, they become more tolerant
of other foibles, more thrilled over minor
events and cognizant of their own needs,
even if they cannot always meet them.
Th e old-old is frequently related to the
frustrations of being dependent on others
or helpless and the fear that accompanies
dependency and helplessness. Th ese
frustrations are oft en verbalized as so
called “tangible issues” i.e. “the morning
coff ee was too cold or too hot or not
hot enough.” Or whether “visitors were
always coming to visit frequently, too
early or too late and perhaps not at all.”
If the truth be told, a great deal of their
frustrations have to do with a loss of self,
loss of personal control over fi nances,
loss of power and just the present state
of being.
Th e researcher, Newgarten speaks of
the “defended personality” as seen as
ambitious, achievement oriented, and
who have always driven themselves hard
and continue to do so. According to
Newgarten, the defended group is made
up of two sub-types, i.e.: those who
hold on and the constricted. Th e holding
individual has a philosophy of “I’ll
work until I drop.” Th e constricted are
pre-occupied with their losses and defi -
cits. Th ey will shut out new interests
and experiences and have minimum
social interactions. Th eir caution continues
as they try to defend themselves
against the inevitable aging and changes.
Nevertheless they are generally satisfi
ed with their lives, possibly because
they believe nothing diff erent or significant
will ever happen.
I am, however, convinced that most
seniors are reliable, resourceful, optimistic
and psychologically a healthy population.
I would like to conclude with several
defi nitions that are characteristic of the
successfully adjusted individual. Th ey are
attributed to the researcher Newgarten
who demonstrates how the old-old can
be just as successful in the years ahead
and that “…life has purpose.” Here are
her defi nitions.
Equanimity – a balanced perspective
of one’s life and experiences.
Perseverance – persistence despite
adversity or discouragement.
Self-Reliance – belief in one’s self and
one’s abilities.
Dr. Sheldon
Ornstein is a
nurse with
a doctoral
in nursing
organization. He has
specialized in the care of
older adults and has published
many articles on
the subject. He has done
post-graduate work in gerontology
and has taught
at several universities. In
2013, he was inducted into
the Nursing Hall of Fame at
Teachers College, Columbia
Meaningfulness – realization that
life has purpose and value of one’s contribution.
Existential Aloneness – realization
that a person’s path is unique and some
experiences must be faced alone.
A fi nal thought: In this time of the
virus I ask that you stay healthy. Have a
great summer!
Sheldon Ornstein Ed.D, RN, LNHA
who tested positive for COVID-19,
have symptoms you’re worried about, or
you belong to a vulnerable population
(such as being over 65), you may be
worried. You also may be unsure about
how or where to get tested. It’s understandable
that you may have concerns
about going out to get a test
administered, too.
At-home testing solution
Fortunately, there is now a
test available that you can
safely use at home. At
com, you can order
a COVID-19
Sure-Track Test,
a fast and accurate
test authorized
by the U.S.
Food and Drug
This new
test is authorized
to serve
consumers ,
using proprietary
chain reaction (PCR) lab analysis
of a nasal swab that you can self-collect
in the comfort of your own home.
PCR is considered to be the gold standard
in COVID-19 testing, providing the most
accurate results.
You will receive free shipping on
your order of the test kit, with a
prepaid return label provided for
your convenience. Th en you will
receive secure, defi nitive online
test results in 24-48 hours
from receipt of the sample
at the lab.
Th e company’s at-home
test is designed with
safety in mind, every
step of the way. Aft er
you self-collect the swab sample according
to the provided instructions, the collection
swab is placed in a special transport
tube containing a solution that
deactivates the virus. Th is ensures that
everyone, from shipping providers to lab
technicians, is protected from contamination
and infection.
LetsGetChecked also off ers telehealth
services, supported by licensed healthcare
professionals who can off er timely,
helpful guidance on issues
such as self-isolation, as well
as appropriate next steps for
anyone who tests positive for
How to get a test
Before you can purchase
the COVID-19
test, you will need
to fi ll out a short
online questionnaire
that helps
make sure they
get the tests to
those who need
it the most.
Th e brief questionnaire
information such as the type and severity
of symptoms you may be experiencing.
Symptoms include:
• Fever or chills
• New or worsening cough
• Fatigue
• Body aches/muscle pain
• Sore throat
• Vomiting or diarrhea
• Change in smell or taste
Severe symptoms include:
• Diffi culty breathing
• Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
• Inability to wake or stay awake
• New confusion
• Bluish lips or face
Immediate medical attention is recommended
for anyone experiencing these
severe symptoms.
Th e questionnaire also asks you about
any known exposure to someone who
has tested positive for Coronavirus
(COVID-19), or if you live in an area
where cases are present in the community.
In addition, anyone who is 65 years of
age or older can get a test with few of the
previously listed symptoms.
For more information and to order a
test kit, visit LetsGetChecked.com.