Catholic High Schools
FAQs about Catholic academies and schools
What is the difference
between a school and an academy
in Brooklyn and Queens?
A Catholic school is governed
by the parish, so the pastor is
directly in charge.
An academy is governed by
a two-tiered board that is comprised
of a Board of Directors
and a Board of Members. Th e
Board of Directors is composed
of lay people who work with
the principal, and the Board of
Members is composed of clergy
and safeguards the Catholic
identity of the academy. In some
cases the “Board of Members”
oversee multiple academies.
Every school within the
Diocese of Brooklyn and Queens
will become an academy by the
year 2017. A more detailed
description of the school and
academy structure is here; you
will also fi nd parent information
should your school be transitioning
to an academy.
What is Preserving the
Preserving the Vision is the
name of the strategic planning
process that will insure the
future of Catholic education in
the Diocese of Brooklyn. Th e
process involves essential goals
such as fostering Catholic identity
and expanding development.
To learn more about these goals,
please visit our Preserving the
Vision page.
What is the Offi ce of the
Superintendent ~ Catholic
School Support Services?
The Office of the
Superintendent is the diocesan
offi ce dedicated to providing
support services and guidance
to Catholic elementary schools/
academies within the diocese.
Th e Offi ce of the Superintendent
also provides limited services
to Catholic high schools in
Brooklyn and Queens.
Where do I obtain my transcript
record if the school I
once attended has closed?
Simply click here and contact
the diocesan archives offi ce.
How can I fi nd out what the
schools/academies near me
have to off er?
Th is website provides general
information regarding schools/
academies within the diocese.
Th e best way to fi nd out specific
off erings of the schools/academies
near you is to ask them.
Although many provide descriptions
on their websites that can
give you a great starting point, a
phone call or a visit is the best
way to get the most updated and
accurate information.
What should I ask when I
visit a school/academy?
Visiting a school/academy is
the best way to get a sense of
it. It gives you the opportunity
to speak with the staff and
to move through the environment
to see if it feels right for
your children and your family.
In addition to experiencing the
school/academy, you can learn
about it. Some things you might
ask about are:
• Class size and school size
• Composition of the faculty and
• Religious formation programs
• Academic programs
• Enrichment programs
• Remediation programs
• Special services
• School nutrition program
• Transportation services
• Tuition
• Registration requirements
• Uniforms
• Early drop-off program
• Aft er-school program
• Extra-curricular activities and
school hours
• Sports
• Clubs
• Facilities (gym, outdoor playground,
computer lab, etc.)
• Technology
• High school and college partnerships
• Scholarships and Tuition
Can my child attend a
Catholic school/academy even
though we are not Catholic?
Yes, our Catholic schools/
academies welcome children of
all faiths, and you will fi nd that
some are very diverse. All can
benefi t from the education provided
in our schools/academies.
What types of scholarship
opportunities are available for
Catholic school?
For families experiencing
economic hardship, Futures in
Education and the Diocese of
Brooklyn off er tuition assistance
for elementary students (Pre-K
to 8th grade) through two partial
scholarship programs, and
the Be an Angel Program. Visit
our scholarships and tuition
assistance page for more information.
Can you provide the New
York State test results of a particular
Although Th e Offi ce of the
Superintendent~Catholic School
Support Services does publish
the aggregated test results
for Catholic schools/academies
within Brooklyn and Queens, the
decision to publish test scores of
individual schools is a local decision.
If you would like to know
the overall test scores for a particular
school/academy, you must
call to ask if they can provide you
with the information.
My child attends Catholic
school, but I do not have his/
her New York State test results.
How do I obtain this information?
Because only the individual
school/academy is provided with
its student test results, only the
principal at that school/academy
has access to State test results.
Th e schools/academies send student
results home once they are
released by the state. If you have
not received this information,
please call the school/academy
to obtain the results.
My child attends Catholic
school, but I do not have his/
her Terra Nova test results.
How do I obtain this information?
Parents of each student in
grades 3-8 will receive a Home
Report from their school/academy.
If you have not received
the information, please call the
school/academy to obtain the
My child attends Catholic
school, but I do not have his/
her TACHS test results. How do
I obtain this information?
If your child took the TACHS
test in November, you will
receive a Home Report either
from your Catholic school/
academy or in the mail from
Riverside at the end of January.
If you do not receive your
TACHS results, you should contact
Riverside Publishing before
March at 1-866-618-2247.
What test scores do my children
need to be admitted into
Catholic High School?
Each high school has its own
admissions requirements. To
fi nd out more, you should contact
the high schools and attend
open houses for schools that
your child may want to apply
to. Please view our High School
Guide (PDF) for information on
admissions and open houses.
— Courtesy of the Diocese of