President’s Letter –
July 2021
Dear North Shore Towers
Your North Shore
Towers Board of Directors held
an organizational meeting on
Tuesday, June 22, 2021, with all
members participating remotely via
videoconference. As this was the
first meeting since the 2021 Board
election was determined, our primary
agenda was to accept the certified
election results, elect Board
Officers and appoint administrative
Corporate Officer positions
necessary to administer the daily
operation of our cooperative.
I am pleased and proud to report
that I was elected by a majority
of my fellow Board Members
as your Board President for the
2021/2022 Board year. I assure you
that I am committed to serve our
Shareholders and our community
with dedication and integrity.
The Board congratulates
and welcomes back Marty
Schwartzman and also welcomes
our new members, Barry Berman,
Richard Levine and Theresa
Oropallo. We also extend our
gratitude and appreciation to
Robert Ricken, Steve Kirschner
and Mario Carmiciano for their
years of service towards the betterment
of North Shore Towers.
Looking forward, I believe our
path for success is working in
cooperation with one mutual goal
in mind, the betterment of our
community. North Shore Towers
is unique in that the governing of
our property is controlled by us,
the Board of Directors, while our
Managing Agent helps oversee
a large staff of personnel which
helps facilitate the day to day
operation. However, it is the Board
of Directors that sets policy for the
wellbeing of all our Shareholders.
Our present Board Members
bring specific skills relevant to managing
our property and are ready,
willing and more than capable
of contributing their professional
knowledge toward achieving our
goals. North Shore Towers has
a long, successful history and a
unique set of circumstances all its
own, and I wish to extend my full
support to our Management Team.
Ed Phelan
North Shore Towers
2021/2022 Board Officers
The Board of Directors convened on Tuesday, June 22, for the election
of Board Officers:
President Ed Phelan
1st Vice President/Treasurer Martin Schwartzman
Vice President/Secretary Dan Nachmanoff
Vice President Barry Berman
Vice President Fred Chernow
Vice President Stanley Goldsmith, MD
Vice President Richard S. Levine
Vice President Theresa Oropallo
Vice President James Short
Annual NST Board of Directors Election,
June 17, 2021 – Certified Results
North Shore Towers held its annual Board of Directors
Election on Thursday, June 17. The votes were tallied and
reported by YesElections on Friday, June 18.
Six (6) candidates ran for four (4) open Board seats.
Barry Berman, Martin Schwartzman, Theresa Oropallo
and Richard S. Levine were elected to two-year terms.
They will join continuing Board members Ed Phelan,
Fred Chernow, Stanley Goldsmith Dan Nachmanoff and
Jim Short.
Following are the results, tallied and certified by
Candidate Total Shares % of Vote
Barry Berman* 2,220,785 19.7%
Martin Schwartzman* 2,024,016 17.9%
Theresa Oropallo* 1,969,475 17.5%
Richard S. Levine* 1,765,866 15.6%
Rhonda Schorr 1,659,000 14.7%
Harry Greenberg 1,645,443 14.6%
*Elected until June, 2023