Thank You Special Projects Members By Board Member and Special Projects Chair Bob Ricken Photos by Stephen Vrattos The full name of our committee is Special Projects -Shareholders Relations. With this as a goal, our committee members were selected to represent all segments of the community. We had members of the Women’s Club, Men’s Club, University Club, U.J.A., Hadassah, Golf members, Tennis Association players and two who were active in the Shareholders’ Association. Amazingly, we worked well together! Our accomplishments were beyond any expectations I had at the start of the Board’s year. My thanks to our members are sincere and our accomplishments are detailed below. 1.Three members of the committee, one from each building, received about 100 letters from community members to forward to the Board. The letter writers had their concerns answered by our President, attorney, Board members and General Manager. Due to the numbers, the Board took our recommendation and began reading future important letters at every Board Meeting. This enabled the Board to be more responsive to the concerns of our residents. 2.We reestabl ished our September 11th Memorial Program, which drew a capacity crowd in our movie theater, to honor our residents and Management Personnel who served as rescuers during the aftermath of the Collapse of the Towers. We were also able to show our gratitude to the local firemen and ambulance first responders. Hopefully, now that we’ve reestablished the program, we will continue to honor those who served and those we lost on 9/11. 3.For the first time in many years, we reestablished the Community Art Show. It was logistically difficult, but worthwhile to give more than 60 of our residents the opportunity to exhibit their incredible talents. Once again the efforts of our committee members were greatly appreciated by the entire community. 4. We convinced the Board to allow residents to enjoy walking on the golf course. It was a difficult task to make sure anyone walking would be protected from golf balls. After much discussion, our plans were given over to the Country Club Committee to organize safe times for walkers to enjoy our wonderful park-like grounds. 5. We as s i sted Phylli s Goldstein’s non-smoking committee. Without any publicity, we were able to set up the final meeting for those who helped us get the support of the large number of residents required to succeed in eliminating smoking in our community. 6.After recommending to modify the new parking regulations for several months, our committee members were pleased the Board voted to give every resident a few free passes, so we could save the $10 fee. In this way, those of us who rarely have guests were able to support the Board’s efforts to help alleviate our parking problems. 7. Our committee received the support of the Board to join with Hadassah and assist with the forthcoming Holocaust program. With Towers on the Green under construction, the Board will allow all residents to attend the program in the VIP Room. Since the Board does not give the community’s money to other organization’s programs, individual Board members contributed their personal checks to support the Holocaust Memorial Program. 8.Presently, Shirley Wershba is attempting to augment the programs on our inside Channel 995 by creating entertainment, interviews and other interesting items developed by members of our community. If interested, give her a call and join the group working on this project. 9.Marilyn Chris hopes to create a drama group to put on shows at our movie theater. Read the advertisements in both of our papers. She asked people to remember, in addition to actors, we need writers, stage-crew members and set designers. Give her a call if you are interested in participating. 10.We are pleased that our committee has once again given a powerful voice to the concerns and interests of our residents. LISTED BELOW ARE OUR COMMITTEE MEMBERS. A THANK YOU TO THEM ALL, AND TO STAN GOLDSMITH, WHO ASSISTED US THESE PAST FEW MONTHS. Eneas Arkawy, Mitch Cohen, Kandy Diamond, Terry Feit, Mark Geisenberg, Dee-Dee Goidel, Edna Greene, Eva Kessner, Howard Kimmel, June Stelboum, Marilyn Chris Wallace, Julie Weissman, Shirley Wershba and Gary Zemser. 9-11 Memorial After many years, the NST Art Show returned in 2016 10 NORTH SHORE TOWERS COURIER ¢ May 2017
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