Coney Island amusement parks reopen
Your entertainment
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COURIER L 4 IFE, APRIL 16-22, 2021
Hundreds of fun-lovers
fl ocked to the Coney Island
amusement district to whirl
around its parks’ famous rides
for the fi rst time in more than
a year on April 9.
Even before the gates reopened
at 11 am, the boardwalk
buzzed with excitement
as hordes of families and
thrill-seekers gathered in a
line that stretched from Luna
Park’s gate on Surf Avenue almost
to the boardwalk.
“We’ve been looking forward
to getting on the rides
and actually seeing other
people happy,” said Coney Islander
Keilly Alvarez, who
stood in line with her two relatives.
“I’m looking forward to
getting on the rides and tasting
the snacks again — just
indulging and having a good
The reopening of Luna Park
and Deno’s Wonder Wheel
Amusement Park comes 18
months after the rides closed
at the end of 2019 season — and
never reopened because of the
COVID-19 outbreak.
The shutdown, which
marked the fi rst season-long
closure in the amusement
parks’ history, dealt a tough
blow to the local economy.
Without the seasonal jobs and
foot traffi c, unemployment
on some parts of the peninsula
soared to nearly 30 percent,
said one local pol, and
the amusement parks’ owners
feared they’d be forced to shutter
indefi nitely.
“The fi nancial situation
of our company is extremely
in danger,” said Alessandro
Zamperla, who operated
Luna Park with his family,
in September 2020. Both the
Zamperla family and the
Vourderis family, which operates
the Wonder Wheel
and its eponymous park, repeatedly
called for state aid
throughout the closures with
little success.
But the sun fi nally shone
down on the People’s Playground
on Friday. Politicians
and locals rejoiced on
the boardwalk outside De-
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