Police blotter
Cops probe West Village street
fight as a homicide
Police blotter
Cops probe West Village street
Grand Central Station
fight as a homicide
shooter held on high bail
Paramedics rushed Bush to Lenox Health
for wounding man
DComplex, where he was pronounced dead. The
etectives are still looking for the suspect
Medical Examiner’s offi ce will conduct an autopsy
who fatally assaulted a 36-year-old man
to determine exactly how he died, police said.
left arm and was treated at Bellevue
during a street fi ght in the West Village
Meanwhile, detectives are still looking for the
over the weekend.
assailant — described as a Black man with green
A Queens resident remains
After opening fire, cops said,
Law enforcement sources said the deadly encounter
dreadlocks who wore a black shirt, black shorts
locked up on high bail for
Crumpty fl ed out of the station on
took place at about 4:20 a.m. on Aug. 15
and red sneakers.
shooting a man at Grand
foot westbound along East 42nd
in front of an apartment building and Hudson
Central Station over the weekend.
Street. Detectives picked him up the
Bagel store on Christopher Street between 7th
Tearance Crumpty, 26, of College
following day at a Queens hotel after
Avenue South and Bleecker Street.
Point Boulevard in Flushing faced a
getting an anonymous tip, the Daily
Based on a preliminary investigation, police
New York Criminal Court judge on
News reported.
sources determined that the attacker punched the
Aug. 17 for arraignment on attempted
victim — Dashawn Bush, 36, of Pitkin Avenue
murder, assault and weapons possession
in Brooklyn — and dropped him to the concrete.
The motive for the attack remains unclear.
Judge Anne Swern ordered him
After Bush fell, police reported, the assailant
held on $600,000 bond/$200,000
kicked the victim about the body, and may have
cash bail; he’s due to return to court
done something to obstruct his neck and windpipe.
Friday, Aug. 21, court records noted.
Detectives believe the assault caused Bush
A 36-year-old man was fatally beaten in
Law enforcement sources said
to go into cardiac arrest, police sources stated.
front of this bagel store on Christopher
Crumpty shot and wounded the
Street in the West Village on Aug. 15, 2020.
Following the attack, authorities said, the
40-year-old man at Grand Central
assailant took off on foot eastbound along
Anyone with information regarding the assault
Station at 10 a.m. on Aug. 15.
Christopher Street.
or the suspect’s whereabouts can call Crime
According to published reports,
Offi cers from the 6th Precinct and EMS units
Stoppers at 800-577-TIPS (for Spanish, dial
Crumpty had followed the victim into
responded to a 911 call about the assault and
888-57-PISTA). You can also submit tips online
Manhattan after the man had board a
found the victim unconscious and unresponsive
at nypdcrimestoppers.com, or on Twitter @NYPDTips.
7 train in Corona, Queens. Reports
on the ground.
All calls and messages are kept confi dential.
indicated that Crumpty had harassed
Purse snatcher sought for knocking over
the man on the entire ride. They both
departed the 7 train at Grand Central
and robbing woman at Midtown station
Station and headed to the Downtownbound
This man, identified as Tearance
platform of the 4/5/6 train.
Crumpty of Queens, allegedly
That’s where Crumpty allegedly
shot a 40-year-old man at the
According to police, the perpetrator
the scene for minor injuries
pulled out a gun and opened fi re. Police
Grand Central Station on Aug.
Capproached a 73-yearold
to her left hand and leg. The
said the victim took a bullet to his
15, 2020, police reported.
ops need the public’s
woman and knocked her
incident was reported to the
help in fi nding a purse
to the fl oor. In the process, he
NYPD Midtown South Precinct
Two men sought for beating a
snatcher who victimized
grabbed the victim’s purse —
and Transit Bureau.
a senior woman at a Midtown
which contained her cellphone
On Aug. 18, the NYPD
man on a Chelsea street: cops
subway station earlier this week.
and debit card — and fl ed out
released security camera photos
Law enforcement sources
of the station.
of the perpetrator. Police
The suspects are described as Black
said the robbery happened at
Authorities said he was
describe him as a bald, Black
men, one of whom is 6 feet, 1 inch tall
10 a.m. on Aug. 16 inside the
last seen running northbound
man between 30 and 40 years
Cops are looking for a duo who
with no shirt and the other is heavyset
59th Street station on the 4/5/6
along Lexington Avenue.
of age who wore a white mask
assaulted a man on a Chelsea
and last seen wearing a black shirt and
line near Lexington Avenue.
EMS treated the victim at
over his face, a blue shirt,
black shorts.
dark-colored pants and white
Police say that around 1 a.m. on
No arrests have been made at this
Aug. 19, a man, described as being
time. The investigation is ongoing.
Anyone with information
in his 20s, was in the vicinity of 8th
regarding his whereabouts
Avenue and West 14th Street when
can call Crime Stoppers at
two unknown men approached him
800-577-TIPS (for Spanish,
and began to punch him in the face.
dial 888-57-PISTA). You can
During the attack, the victim’s phone
also submit tips online at
fell out of his pocket and it was later
nypdcrimestoppers.com, or
on Twitter @NYPDTips. All
The suspects ultimately fl ed the scene
calls and messages are kept
without taking anything. The victim
confi dential.
refused medical attention at the scene.
The Villager (USPS 578930) ISSN 0042-6202 Copyright © 2020 by Schneps Media is published weekly by Schneps Media, One Metrotech North, 10th floor Brooklyn, NY 11201. 52 times a year. Business and Editorial Offices: One Metrotech
North, 10th floor Brooklyn, NY 11201. Accounting and Circulation Offices: Schneps Media, One Metrotech North, 10th floor Brooklyn, NY 11201. Call 718-260-2500 to subscribe. Periodicals postage prices is paid at New York, N.Y.
Postmaster: Send address changes to The Villager, One Metrotech North, 10th floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201
Annual subscription by mail in Manhattan and Brooklyn $29 ($35 elsewhere). Single copy price at office and newsstands is $1. The entire contents of newspaper, including advertising, are copyrighted and no part may be reproduced without
the express permission of the publisher - © 2020 Schneps Media.
Detectives are still looking for the suspect
who fatally assaulted a 36-year-old man
during a street fi ght in the West Village
over the weekend.
Law enforcement sources said the deadly encounter
took place at about 4:20 a.m. on Aug. 15
in front of an apartment building and Hudson
Bagel store on Christopher Street between 7th
Avenue South and Bleecker Street.
Based on a preliminary investigation, police
sources determined that the attacker punched the
victim — Dashawn Bush, 36, of Pitkin Avenue
in Brooklyn — and dropped him to the concrete.
The motive for the attack remains unclear.
After Bush fell, police reported, the assailant
kicked the victim about the body, and may have
done something to obstruct his neck and windpipe.
Detectives believe the assault caused Bush
to go into cardiac arrest, police sources stated.
Following the attack, authorities said, the
assailant took off on foot eastbound along
Christopher Street.
Offi cers from the 6th Precinct and EMS units
responded to a 911 call about the assault and
found the victim unconscious and unresponsive
on the ground.
Paramedics rushed Bush to Lenox Health
Complex, where he was pronounced dead. The
Medical Examiner’s offi ce will conduct an autopsy
to determine exactly how he died, police said.
Meanwhile, detectives are still looking for the
assailant — described as a Black man with green
dreadlocks who wore a black shirt, black shorts
and red sneakers.
A 36-year-old man was fatally beaten in
front of this bagel store on Christopher
Street in the West Village on Aug. 15, 2020.
Anyone with information regarding the assault
or the suspect’s whereabouts can call Crime
Stoppers at 800-577-TIPS (for Spanish, dial
888-57-PISTA). You can also submit tips online
at nypdcrimestoppers.com, or on Twitter @NYPDTips.
All calls and messages are kept confi dential.
Grand Central Station
shooter held on high bail
for wounding man
A Queens resident remains
locked up on high bail for
shooting a man at Grand
Central Station over the weekend.
Tearance Crumpty, 26, of College
Point Boulevard in Flushing faced a
New York Criminal Court judge on
Aug. 17 for arraignment on attempted
murder, assault and weapons possession
Judge Anne Swern ordered him
held on $600,000 bond/$200,000
cash bail; he’s due to return to court
Friday, Aug. 21, court records noted.
Law enforcement sources said
Crumpty shot and wounded the
40-year-old man at Grand Central
Station at 10 a.m. on Aug. 15.
According to published reports,
Crumpty had followed the victim into
Manhattan after the man had board a
7 train in Corona, Queens. Reports
indicated that Crumpty had harassed
the man on the entire ride. They both
departed the 7 train at Grand Central
Station and headed to the Downtownbound
platform of the 4/5/6 train.
That’s where Crumpty allegedly
pulled out a gun and opened fi re. Police
said the victim took a bullet to his
This man, identified as Tearance
Crumpty of Queens, allegedly
shot a 40-year-old man at the
Grand Central Station on Aug.
15, 2020, police reported.
Two men sought for beating a
man on a Chelsea street: cops
Cops are looking for a duo who
assaulted a man on a Chelsea
Police say that around 1 a.m. on
Aug. 19, a man, described as being
in his 20s, was in the vicinity of 8th
Avenue and West 14th Street when
two unknown men approached him
and began to punch him in the face.
During the attack, the victim’s phone
fell out of his pocket and it was later
The suspects ultimately fl ed the scene
without taking anything. The victim
refused medical attention at the scene.
left arm and was treated at Bellevue
After opening fire, cops said,
Crumpty fl ed out of the station on
foot westbound along East 42nd
Street. Detectives picked him up the
following day at a Queens hotel after
getting an anonymous tip, the Daily
News reported.
The suspects are described as Black
men, one of whom is 6 feet, 1 inch tall
with no shirt and the other is heavyset
and last seen wearing a black shirt and
black shorts.
No arrests have been made at this
time. The investigation is ongoing.
Purse snatcher sought for knocking over
and robbing woman at Midtown station
Cops need the public’s
help in fi nding a purse
snatcher who victimized
a senior woman at a Midtown
subway station earlier this week.
Law enforcement sources
said the robbery happened at
10 a.m. on Aug. 16 inside the
59th Street station on the 4/5/6
line near Lexington Avenue.
According to police, the perpetrator
approached a 73-yearold
woman and knocked her
to the fl oor. In the process, he
grabbed the victim’s purse —
which contained her cellphone
and debit card — and fl ed out
of the station.
Authorities said he was
last seen running northbound
along Lexington Avenue.
EMS treated the victim at
the scene for minor injuries
to her left hand and leg. The
incident was reported to the
NYPD Midtown South Precinct
and Transit Bureau.
On Aug. 18, the NYPD
released security camera photos
of the perpetrator. Police
describe him as a bald, Black
man between 30 and 40 years
of age who wore a white mask
over his face, a blue shirt,
dark-colored pants and white
Anyone with information
regarding his whereabouts
can call Crime Stoppers at
800-577-TIPS (for Spanish,
dial 888-57-PISTA). You can
also submit tips online at
nypdcrimestoppers.com, or
on Twitter @NYPDTips. All
calls and messages are kept
confi dential.
The Villager (USPS 578930) ISSN 0042-6202 Copyright © 2020 by Schneps Media is published weekly by Schneps Media, One Metrotech North, 10th floor Brooklyn, NY 11201. 52 times a year. Business and Editorial Offices: One Metrotech
North, 10th floor Brooklyn, NY 11201. Accounting and Circulation Offices: Schneps Media, One Metrotech North, 10th floor Brooklyn, NY 11201. Call 718-260-2500 to subscribe. Periodicals postage prices is paid at New York, N.Y.
Postmaster: Send address changes to The Villager, One Metrotech North, 10th floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201
Annual subscription by mail in Manhattan and Brooklyn $29 ($35 elsewhere). Single copy price at office and newsstands is $1. The entire contents of newspaper, including advertising, are copyrighted and no part may be reproduced without
the express permission of the publisher - © 2020 Schneps Media.
6 August 20, 2020 Schneps Media