Two great choices.
One great rate.
Bethpage Certificate Accounts
• Additional rates and terms available
• IRA Certificates available
• Federally insured up to $250,000 by the NCUA†
• Get started with as little as $50
It's a
Kayla Gardner
Branch Manager
Lock in a great rate. If rates go up, yours can too.
Everyone can bank at Bethpage.∞
855-445-8570 |
*Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective 11/1/2017 and is subject to change without notice. APY assumes all dividends remain in the certificate until maturity, and a withdrawal will reduce earnings. Dividends
are compounded daily. Fees could reduce earnings. Account activity restrictions may apply. $50 minimum balance to open account and earn APY. Penalties may be imposed for early withdrawal. The rate for
your 39-month “bump-up” CD may be increased or “bump-up” one time during the term to the rate in effect for a 36-month CD at the time. At maturity the CD will renew to a 36-month term and rate with no
“bump up” feature whether or not you elected the bump-up option. †The National Credit Union Association (NCUA) $250,000 share insurance coverage applies to each share owner, per insured credit union.