What’s New
City Mailroom opens
Long Island City branch
Long Island City entrepre-neurs
now have a place
to go for all of the start
up needs.
City Mailroom, located at 44-70
21 Street, opened in the fall of last
year. The fifth business of owner
Kishore Hemrajani, City Mailroom
offers more than just mailboxes and
shipping services. The story also
functions as a notary public and digi-tal
printing center that offers large
scale printing perfect or architects
and engineers.
“It’s filling a niche and that niche
is to help small businesses, entre-preneurs
and startups get off the
ground,” said Hemrajani.
City Mailroom’s Long Island City
branch is the store’s fifth location in
the city, but Hemrajani still remembers
how life was when he only had his
first store in Great Neck, working
16-hour days and struggling to keep
the store alive.
10 JANUARY 2019 I LIC COURIER I www.qns.com
This is what sets City Mailroom
apart from other chain mailroom and
shipping store; it’s run by someone
who understands first hand the early
struggles of starting a business.
“I feel like I am lucky to give this
to any of the small businesses in
the area,” said Hemrajani. “There is
a wide array of services we offer to
help businesses grow.”
Long Island City is the fastest
growing neighborhood in the United
States, and with the impending arrival
of Amazon’s HQ2, the small busi-nesses
figure to keep coming into the
community. Over a year ago, Hemra-jani
recognized that there were would
be a massive need for his services.
“I noticed about a year ago, all the
recent construction in LIC and real-ized
that the community is lacking a
store like mine,” said Hemrajani. He
added that the store would help save
precious time for busy professionals
coming into the neighborhood.
For more information on City Mail-room’s
services, check out citymail-room.
Photo courtesy of Kishore Hemrajani