8 L E H A V R E N E W S D E C E M B E R “An artist cannot fail; it is a success to be one.” It was a beautiful way to perk up a gray afternoon on Sun- - Charles Horton Cooley day, November 15th when the LeHavre Art League hosted its Annual Art Show in the Clubhouse. The show, which has been running for approximately ten years, featured the work of a diverse group of local artists whose talents cross media from photography to oil to jewelry making. Judy Densky, LeHavre Board Member and Chair of the LeHavre Art League, explained, “These are professional, award-winning artists who work in a variety of media.” And professional they are. Nick Isabella, for example, has been working in pen-and-ink for nearly forty years and is a regular participant of the LeHavre Art Show. Nick’s wife, Blanche, works in oil and has presented at the National Art League in Douglaston. LeHavre itself was well-represented as several artists are, in fact, residents of the LeHavre community. Resident Jim Bischoff displayed his photographs of the LeHavre grounds with a nod to impressionism, using his skills as a painter to bring artistry and depth to his photos. Helen Oelerich, also a LeHavre resident, presented her dramatic photographs of the Throgs Neck Bridge, taken in color and black-and-white, in daytime and nighttime, all shot directly from her terrace. Diane Menna, another LeHavre resident, is graduate of the Pratt Institute and enjoys working in a variety of art forms including watercolor, oil and mixed media. Artist and LeHavre resident Helma Reid is both a quilter and jewelry-maker, and is well-known for her modern interpretation of the famous “Dear Jane” quilt originally crafted in 1865 by Jane Shickle. Notably, resident Charles Bertz doesn’t limit his display to an annual event—customers of Logan’s Café can enjoy his paintings whenever they drop in for a bite to eat. Before the day ended, Judy wanted to make a point to thank the behind-the-scenes help she received in putting the show together. “Kudos to Nick Santo in the Clubhouse. He was very helpful in arranging the show. And Daniela Buzzetta also in the Clubhouse has been a godsend.” Judy summed up the show, “This is a local event that we all enjoy. We have people from around the area come to see the art.” But for anyone who missed the show, many of these artists will be presenting again at the Bayside Historical Society’s 15th Annual Art Show in Fort Totten next month. The show runs from January 10th through the 24th and is open Tuesday through Friday from 10am-5pm and on Saturday and Sunday from 12pm-4pm. Call the Society at 718-352-1548 for more information. L to R: Selma Musicant, Jim Bischoff, Charles Bertz, Nick Isabella, Blanche Isabella, Helma Reid, Diane Menna, Judy Densky, Helen Oelerich Versatile Diane Menna works in mixed media, watercolor and oil 8 LEHAVRE COURIER | DECEMBER 2015 | WWW.QNS.COM LeHavre in pictures with the work of photographer and painter Jim Bischoff Artist Helma Reid with a sample of her quilting Nick Isabella specializes in Pen & Ink Blanche Isabella paints in oils Charles Bertz’s work is on display in Logan’s Café LeHavre Board Member and Art Show Organizer Judy Densky Photographer Helene Oelerich focuses on the spectacular Throgs Neck Bridge Photos by Nick Santo and Jill Davis.
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