L E H A V R E N E W S 3 D E C E M B E RPRESIDENT’S REPORT: BY STANLEY R. GREENBERG, CPA FROM THE MANAGER’S DESK: BY MARGARET COSTELLO MANAGEMENT OFFICE: Margaret Costello, Manager [email protected] Karen Lohman, Administrative Assistant [email protected] Anastasia Savva, Accounts Payable / Reception Asavvahocorp.com General Maintenance Department Email [email protected] Megan Foggia, General Offi ce Email [email protected] Website address is: www.lhocorp.com WWW.QNS.COM | DECEMBER 2015 | LEHAVRE COURIER 3 As I write this article the holidays are once again upon us. It is a joyous time of the year and a time for celebrating with family and friends. I hope that everyone has a great holiday season and best wishes for a Happy & Healthy New Year. Financial: The 3 months ending October 31, 2015 (budgeted versus actual) showed revenues of $5,379,057 (32.98%) of the budgeted amount of $16,310,670 and total expenses of $4,728,847 (30.39%) of the budgeted amount of $15,561,124 as reported by our accountants. Management and Maintenance operations: As the year comes to a close I would like to take the opportunity to extend my thanks to all our very hard working and efficient staff. I will start by thanking Property Manager, Margaret Costello & her staff (Karen, Stacy and Megan); the Maintenance Department led by Superintendents Piotr Moscicki & Charles Cervello; Assistant Superintendents, Anthony Ferrante and Roman Mach and all of their maintenance staff. I would also like to thank our clubhouse employees led by Nick Santo (Elite Management). A special thanks to Danny Calabrese who devoted many hours spearheading all aspects of the reorganization of our security operations. I know that the other Board members and I greatly appreciate the devoted effort by all the staff in order to make Le Havre the beautiful place that it is. At this juncture all management and maintenance functions are going smoothly. Generally speaking, at this time of year, due to the cold weather, we do not have any exterior projects going on. Therefore, we will be concentrating on the interior of the buildings by cleaning and replacing damaged lobby tiles and commencing the LED lighting program, etc. As we approach the spring time I will be reporting again on any / all new projects in the pipeline. I hope to hold a Captains meeting during the month of January and updates will be given at that time. Once again I want to wish a happy holiday season from my family to yours and thank you as always for your continued support LeHavre Web Site Address and Email Addresses BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Stanley Greenberg, President [email protected] Michael DeRosa, Vice President [email protected] Raymond Bergen, Treasurer [email protected] Lori DiStefano, Secretary [email protected] Penni Nussbaum, Board Member [email protected] Steven Young, Board Member [email protected] Mitchell Breidbart, Board Member [email protected] Judith Densky, Board Member [email protected] General email to all Board Members [email protected] As we come to the close of yet another year, we look back at some of the items accomplished/improvements implemented over the past year. We greatly appreciate the co-operation that residents have extended to us during the year to help get the various projects completed in an expeditious manner. After last year’s extreme winter conditions there was a larger than normal amount of repairs necessary to the grounds/outdoor property and this took up a lot of time and effort in the springtime. From there we went into the resurfacing of the children1s play area by Pool #1 and Pool #2. Additionally, the playground by Pool #1 was resurfaced, with replacement of the fence and some new equipment for safety purposes. As part of an ongoing upgrade project, replacement of the cement and walls under three buildings took place over the summer and fall. This makes a fantastic improvement to those buildings and the property in general. This year, ten lobby doors were replaced as part of an ongoing lobby door replacement project, with preference being given to the doors in the worst condition. Next year should see the completion of this project. In October we locked in the common area electricity usage for two years, at a really excellent price of 0.07432 per kWh. This contract is with Champion Energy and goes into effect on January 1, 2016. In October, also due to the historic low prices of natural gas and even though our present gas contract does not expire until July 31, 2016, we locked in our gas usage for an additional twenty-eight (28) months at the rate of 0.3808 per therm. This 28-month contract is with Hudson Energy and will commence on August 1, 2016, when our present contract expires. A landscaping project of pruning and removing unsafe trees took place in May. We will be doing one more day of pruning/ removing dead trees in December so as to make sure that no dangerous conditions exist as we go into the winter months. This regular pruning work is absolutely essential for the safety of all residents. As I write this, we are about to upgrade the alert system on every boiler. This upgrade entails the installation of sensors on every boiler which will transmit an alert message if a boiler shuts down for any reason. The system we have had in place for many years using the Verizon telephone lines is not very effective and is no longer cost effective. The new system will send alerts by text or e-mail to the employees on duty which will enable them to address any problem in an expeditious manner. This new system will be paid off in monthly installments over the next two years, the monthly installments being less than the monthly price we currently pay to Verizon for their service. After two years, the upgrade cost will be paid in full. The last project of this year, which we have been tirelessly working on for many weeks, will be the replacement of all the interior and exterior lights and light fi xtures on the property with LED fi xtures/ lights. This will not only save us at least 30% in electricity usage going forward, but it also gives us an opportunity to replace all the old fi xtures which demand a lot of ongoing maintenance. The savings in fi xtures, parts, bulbs and manpower will also help a great deal in keeping our costs down. Con Edison, through their Multi-Family Energy Effi ciency Program, offers rebates of approximately 50% to large properties that are willing to upgrade to LED lighting. We are dealing with their authorized representative, AEA (Association for Energy Affordability Inc.) oversees the rebates and works with the approved contractors to make sure that the work is properly done and fi led for. The contractor we selected for the upgrade work is Riverdale Electrical Inc., who has a lot of experience with this program. The work will take place in December and continue into January. Any time rebates are involved, there is an excessive amount of documentation as each building stands alone with its own contract, scope of work, invoices etc., etc. To conclude, I would like to thank the Board of Directors for their help and guidance throughout the year. I want to take this opportunity also to thank all of the employees for their team effort and full co operation on a day-to-day basis. I want to thank our Marketing Committee for their work during the year and a “thank you” to all residents for their cooperation and understanding at all times. Have a Happy & Peaceful Holiday season.
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