

L E H A V R E N E W S 3 SEPTEMBER PRESIDENT’S REPORT: BY STANLEY R. GREENBERG, CPA FROM THE MANAGER’S DESK: BY MARGARET COSTELLO WWW.QUEENSCOURIER.COM | SEPTEMBER 2013 | LEHAVRE COURIER 3 I hope everyone had a good summer and enjoyed the pool and recreational facilities that LeHavre offers. Financial: The first month through July 31, 2013 (budgeted versus actual) showed revenues $1,394,990 (8.77%) of the budgeted amount and total expenses $1,093,958 (7.21%) of the budgeted amount as reported by our accountants. Gas Conversion Project: The gas conversion project is well under way and, at this time, all of the trenching on our property has been done and we have the first cluster (13 buildings) ready to be connected to gas. We will be working to get the remaining nineteen buildings outfitted for gas in the very near future. Con Edison has made good progress in bringing the gas piping to our neighborhood and we are hoping that, at least, some of our buildings will be connected to gas for the next hearing season. I would like to commend our contractors, Efficient Combustion, for the excellent job they have done on this project as they worked expeditiously and with very little impact to our residents and property. Election season and our annual shareholder meeting will be coming up in October and you will be receiving notification of this towards the end of September. I will be addressing this in more detail in my next article. As always, I would like to thank everyone for their continued support. Building Captains Update: A Building Captains meeting took place on August 15, 2013 and the following topics were discussed: Gas Conversion: The ongoing gas conversion project was discussed. Captains, who reside in the buildings that have had the new burners installed, were asked if they had experienced any issues with the burner replacement job regarding down time etc. From the responses, it appears that people were satisfi ed by the way the work progressed. A general conversation followed on the project and comparisons were made with regards to the cost of oil today versus gas. Cement Work: A brief discussion took place on the cement replacement work around the buildings. Mr. Greenberg advised that, at the time the cement work is being done, drainage problems around the various buildings will be addressed and corrected. Sea Wall behind B#32: Mention was made to the damaged sea wall and it was decided to put cameras in that area to try and prevent children from climbing on the wall. Mosquito Spraying: A brief mention was made on this and it was stated that the co-op had not been subjected to any recent spraying. Geese on LeHavre’s vacant land/pool area: People were advised that nobody should be feeding the geese as it entices them to our pool area and creates an unsanitary situation. Parties: Board members were asked to participate more at social functions at Le Havre. I would like to remind all residents again of the following requirements: Thinking of Refi nancing? It is very important that you contact the Management Offi ce at (718)767- 7400 for a refi nancing application. You must meet the Corporation’s requirements and get approval on all Home Equity Loans and Mortgage Refi nancing. Do not hold up your closing, or lose your bank commitment, because you did not complete your paperwork. Thinking Of Changing Your Stock Certifi cate? From time to time we have residents inquiring about this option. It is very important that you speak with your Attorney and your Accountant before you make any decision on this matter. There are both legal and fi nancial considerations that must be addressed before you make any changes. Every cause is individual and unique. Only professionals can advise you as to the proper course of action. New Shareholders: All new shareholders should apply for the STAR EXEMPTION if this is their primary residence. You can do this by calling 311 and asking for the STAR program or go to the New York State link at www.orps.state. ny.us/star/index.cfm. You can also call the Management Offi ce for the forms. Don’t miss out on this tax relief program simply because you did not register. Renovations: Completed Alteration Agreements, with appropriate licenses and insurance certificates, must be submitted to the Management Offi ce and approved prior to any work being commenced. Apartment Insurance: It is very important that the Management Office has a current copy of your insurance policy. Emergency Access: If you are going on vacation or leaving your apartment for an extended period of time, please have a neighbor or friend check on your apartment. Also, we ask that you contact the Management Offi ce with your emergency contact information. Enjoy the remainder of the summer and be safe! MANAGEMENT CORNER

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