ENDORSED BY: CONGRESSMAN GARY ACKERMAN AND THE Austin Shafran will protect what is most important to us: Our schools, our neighborhoods, and our seniors. • Reduce overcrowding • Improve college and career readiness • Increase parental input to give our children a world-class education • Crack down on unscrupulous developers • Enforce zoning regulations • End tax breaks for big-money developers DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10TH Paid for by Friends of Austin Shafran www.Austin4Council.com WWW.QUEENSCOURIER.COM | SEPTEMBER 2013 | LEHAVRE COURIER 13 STRENGTHEN EDUCATION BLOCK Over-Development & UNFAIR Taxes on the middle class GIVE OUR SENIORS THE SUPPORTS THEY’VE EARNED • Guarantee the ‘greatest generation’ the services and support they have earned • Increase funding for senior services • Develop a senior transportation voucher program • Enhance classroom resources • Respect teachers • Stop high-stakes testing • Reduce Co-Op and Condo property taxes by equalizing them with traditional homeowners • Cut water rates by ending the poaching of water fees for non-water purposes • Expand home repair loan assistance for older adults • Create a volunteer Adult Day Care Corps to make a real difference in the lives of our seniors. Austin Ad 1 V8.indd 1 8/28/13 9:03 AM
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