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LeHavre Web
Site Address
and Email
The Welcome Wagon
The Le Havre Board of Directors and management would like to welcome
new shareholders to the community. Below are our most recent new residents.
We hope that all of you settle in comfortably, get to know your new neighbors
and enjoy living here at Le Havre!
Despina Kouvaros
& Michael Fiacco
Dennis Sanabia
& Jacqueline Leon
Vladimir & Natalia
Kilsey Torres
Joseph Reznick
Zoe Bouratoglou
Christos Priovolos
Sandra Frias
Board of Directors:
Management Offi ce:
Margaret Costello, Manager
Karen Lohman, Administrative Assistant
Anastasia Savva, Accounts Payable / Reception
Christine Romero, Administrative Assistant
General Maintenance Department Email
Website address is:
Hope everyone is enjoying the
summer season and the pools,
tennis courts, etc. This is the season
that seems to bring out the
best in people; people are more
lighthearted and relaxed, and new
energy seems to come with
the nice weather.
Electricity Lock In
(ESCO): In recent
weeks we locked in
Le Havre’s electricity
usage for a twelve-
month period to take
effect on January 1,
2018. Our current contract
with Champion Energy at the rate
of 0.07432 per kWh expires on
December 31, 2017. The new contract
is with Constellation Energy
at the rate of 0.06591 per kWh,
so this should give us an annual
savings of approximately $15,000
over the current year.
Local Law 11 Inspections:
The Local Law 11 inspections
on the booms have just finished
and inspections from the ground
with binoculars will be ongoing
until around mid-July with
Merritt Engineering. Thereafter,
Merritt will produce reports that
must be electronically filed with
the City by Management. During
these inspections they make sure
that any items noted for attention
during the last Local Law 11 cycle
(3 years ago) have been taken care
of, and they are also on
the lookout for any new
problematic areas. If
serious problems are
observed, they must
be addressed before
the Local Law 11
report can be filed and
accepted successfully by
the Dept. of Buildings. If
minor items are found, they are
noted on the report and picked up
on the next cycle of Local Law 11
three years from now.
Local Law 11 rules require
that a physical inspection be
conducted of at least one drop
from a scaffold or boom. The
law applies to seven story buildings
and above — it doesn’t
matter whether it’s residential or
commercial.” The “local law” is
written and passed by the City
Council and then it becomes part
of the Building Code. Reports
must be filed with the “The City
Department of Buildings (DOB)
by a certain deadline date or
fines will apply for every month
that the report is late. Local Law
11 inspections are broken down
into three staggered sub-cycles,
with buildings put into one of
these sub-cycles by the last digit
in their block number (as in
“block and lot number”).
Distribution of Notices: Every
now and then we get suggestions
that we should start sending notices
by email to as many residents
as possible to cut down on paper
and on the porter’s time. We know
this type of distribution will not be
suitable for many of our residents
but we would like to get some
feedback on the subject. If you feel
you would like to get your updates
by email going forward please
email me at mcostello@lhocorp.
com. We will make a decision as
to how to proceed depending on
the feedback/demand for electronic
Enjoy your summer, and thank
you for your cooperation with all
of our projects.
A Le Havre
Resident shares
her story
Ruby Carson (Building #1) asked to speak
with the Le Havre Courier so that she could
share her recent hospital experience with her
neighbors. Ruby explained that she was in the
hospital for several weeks following a bad fall
in which she fractured three ribs and injured
her back.
Following her hospital stay, her recovery
continued at the rehabilitation center at North
Shore University Hospital. “Everyone was
wonderful, just wonderful,” Ruby said. “Two
young men helped me every day in the rehab
gym,” she continued. “Everyone there was so
kind and caring, and I just wanted people to
know what a wonderful place it is.”
Thank you Ruby, for sharing your positive
story, and we hope that you continue to enjoy
good health for years to come!