PRESIDENT’S REPORT: 3 J U L Y BY STANLEY R. GREENBERG, CPA The Annual Budget & Finance meeting took place on Monday, June 22nd on the deck of Pool #2. At that time I was pleased to inform all shareholders that, for the upcom ing budget year commencing on July 1st, there will be no increase in the carrying charges. We had a normal turnout of at least seventy five people and, fortunately, the weather cooperated with us. We had a report from Carl Cesarano (Cesarano & Khan Accountants / Auditors) and I gave a report to the shareholders as to some of the projects that have been completed and some of the future projects that we are contemplating. FINANCIAL: The 11 months ending May 31, 2015 (budgeted versus actual) showed revenues of $15,176,980 (93.57%) of the budgeted amount of $16,219,684 and total expenses of $13,595,142 (87.88%) of the budgeted amount of $15,470,138 as reported by our accountants. POOL #1: We look forward to the opening of Pool #1 on June 27th which will add more pleasure to the recreational facilities for everyone. So far I have received many compliments on the way the pool is being run by Elite Pool Management. Everyone seems to be enjoying the beginning of summer as the pool has been in operation for the past few weeks. PLAYGROUND RESURFACING: We have replaced the surfacing of the play area by Pool #1 and by Pool # 2. The new surface seems to be a hit with everybody as it doesn’t get hot and is much more comfortable and user friendly. We are also in the process of resurfacing the playground by Pool #1. We L E H A V R E will be installing new fencing around it, removing some damaged spring riders, adding replacement / additional spring riders and doing some repair work to bring the large play area up to code. CEMENT UNDER THE BUILDINGS: We have recommenced the program, started last year, to replace the cement work under some buildings. We have consulted with an engineer in order to make sure that the work performed will stand up to the harsh winters and the high water table that is present in the buildings closer to the water. This year we have scheduled replacement of the cement under B#21, B#22, B#3 and B#4. LOBBY DOORS: We will be resuming the lobby door replacement program whereby N E W S eight (8) lobby doors will be replaced this year, working on the doors that are in the worst condition presently. Thank you as always and I appreciate your continued support. FROM THE MANAGER’S DESK: BY MARGARET COSTELLO For those shareholders who purchased apartments in recent times and have not yet completed a “Tax Benefits Application for Homeowners” (which is included in every resale package), we ask that you do so immediately. Any shareholder who is not yet receiving the Coop Abatement and STAR exemption should make sure that they have submitted their forms to the NYC Dept. of Finance and have confirmation of same. Applications are available at the Management Office and on our website Forms should be completed and mailed directly to the address listed on the application. We suggest mailing it by “Certified Mail – Return Receipt” and keeping a copy for your records. On the first page, you must check off the box by “Coop/Condo Abatement” and whichever additional boxes apply. Please read the instructions carefully as incomplete / incorrect information will be returned to you and will just delay the process. Thank you We want to hear from you, LeHavre! Send us your ideas for the Courier; community events; vacation stories; resident profi les; and more! Email your ideas to Margaret at [email protected] WWW.QUEENSCOURIER.COM | JULY 2015 | LEHAVRE COURIER 3 Wishing everyone a wonderful Summer! LOST: Parking Permit For Disabled #527997 023 Expires: O CT 2015 CONTACT: Marie Blatus 29/9A 917-589-5634 IMPORTANT INFORMATION Re: Tax Benefi ts
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