PRESIDENT’S REPORT: BY STANLEY R. GREENBERG, CPA Hopefully, by the time you read this article the weather will be much improved as, of now, it seems that winter does not want to loosen its grip. With the opening of the tennis courts and the opening of the pools shortly, we look forward to better weather fairly soon. FINANCIAL: As reported last month, our fuel savings on gas heating continue with at least 30% savings over last year when we were using oil. The 9 months ending March 31, 2015 (budgeted versus actual) showed revenues of $12,339,438(76.08%) of the budgeted amount of $16,219,684 and total expenses of $11,215,112 (72.5%) of the budgeted amount of $15,470,138 as reported by our accountants. PROJECTS: Amongst some of the projects we are planning, I am pleased to announce that we will be resurfacing the playground by Pool #1 with new rubberized material. We are also looking into adding some new equipment, such as swing sets for the younger kids and the fence around the perimeter will also be replaced. We look forward to a much improved and safer playground in that area. LANDSCAPING: Additional landscaping is being planned around the buildings that were hit hard by this recent severe winter weather and also by the one that was affected by the major sewer problem last year. We will be planting trees and other shrubbery in these areas. Cement replacement under the buildings: At this juncture we are reevaluating the cement rep lacement work that took place under the buildings before the end of last year, in the hopes that we can improve upon the work going N E W S M A Y 3 L E H A V R E forward. The cement project will continue after the re-evaluation process has been finalized. MARKETING COMMITTEE: Le Havre’s Marketing Committee (comprised of shareholders) is in full swing and they are planning an open house for real estate brokers in the near future. They are also preparing a beautiful brochure and will be working to revamp our website. In recent months we have seen the apartment sale prices go up and, since I have been advised that there are currently very few apartments available for purchase at Le Havre, we should see apartment values increase further. Le Havre offers more amenities at a lower cost than most other co-ops in Queens and this, along with the fact that our maintenance costs are staying constant as compared to other developments, also serves to increase our values. We believe that, with the involvement of our Marketing Committee, we can only expect to see our apartment values get better and better. Because of the positive marketing situation that Le Have is in, there need not be any concern amongst our shareholders that the value of their investments will be decreased by any factor and, based on the above, you can rest assured that your values will be steadily increasing in the future. Thank you as always for your continued support. Wishing everyone a wonderful May and a very Happy Mother’s Day!! Important Contact Information Listed are some phone important phone numbers that LeHavre residents should be aware of. Management Offi ce 718-767-7400 (9am-5pm) Maintenance Dept. [email protected] [email protected] 718-767-6200 (7am-4pm) LeClub 718-767-2277 Security 718-767-6200 (4pm-7am) 109th Precinct 718-321-2250 School Board #25 718-282-7600 LeHavre Web Site Address and Email Addresses BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Stanley Greenberg, President [email protected] Michael DeRosa, Vice President [email protected] Raymond Bergen, Treasurer [email protected] Lori DiStefano, Secretary [email protected] Thomas Affatato, Board Member [email protected] Penni Nussbaum, Board Member [email protected] Steven Young, Board Member [email protected] Mitchell Breidbart, Board Member [email protected] Judith Densky, Board Member [email protected] General email to all Board Members [email protected] MANAGEMENT OFFICE: Margaret Costello, Manager [email protected] Karen Lohman, Administrative Assistant [email protected] Anastasia Savva, Accounts Payable / Reception General Maintenance Department Email [email protected] Megan Foggia, General Offi ce Email Website address is: [email protected] WWW.QUEENSCOURIER.COM | MAY 2015 | LEHAVRE COURIER 3
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