

L E H A V R E N E W S 3 M A Y PRESIDENT’S REPORT: BY STANLEY R. GREENBERG, CPA Important Contact Information Listed are some phone important phone numbers that LeHavre residents should be aware of. LeHavre Web Site Address and Email Addresses WWW.QUEENSCOURIER.COM | MAY 2014 | LEHAVRE COURIER 3 Management Offi ce 718-767-7400 (8am-5pm) Maintenance Dept. [email protected] [email protected] 718-767-6200 (7am-4pm) LeClub 718-767-2277 Security 718-767-6200 (4pm-7am) 109th Precinct 718-321-2250 School Board #25 718-282-7600 Web site address is: www.lhocorp.com BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Stanley Greenberg, President [email protected] Michael DeRosa, Vice President [email protected] Raymond Bergen, Treasurer [email protected] Lori DiStefano, Secretary [email protected] Thomas Affatato, Board Member [email protected] Penni Nussbaum, Board Member [email protected] Steven Young, Board Member [email protected] Theodore Toledo, Board Member [email protected] General email to all Board Members [email protected] MANAGEMENT OFFICE: Margaret Costello, Manager [email protected] Theresa Imperati, Accounts Payable [email protected] Karen Lohman, Administrative Assistant [email protected] Antoinette Oliva, Club Manager [email protected] General Maintenance Department email [email protected] By the time you read this, the pool will have opened and I hope that all residents get out and enjoy the facilities, especially in the summer time. I would like to inform you that we have contracted with Elite Pool & Fitness Management for the total operation of the pools for the summer season. They will be in full charge, including lifeguards, gate guards and management of the pools. This company has an excellent reputation and they have contracts at many of the local pools in the area such as Towers at Waters Edge, Bay Terrace Country Club etc., etc. We are hoping to have a very smooth and well run operation by these very experienced professionals. However, in order to make the season successful we ask all residents to please abide by the pool rules that have been established. FINANCIAL: For the nine months ended March 2014 (budgeted vs actual), financial reports showed revenues $12,021,379 (74.6% of the budgeted amount) and total expenses $11,043,728 (72.8% of the budgeted amount), as reported by our accountants. LAUNDRY: We are looking forward to getting our new washing machines and dryers, as reported in last month’s newsletter. Hopefully, this replacement project will begin by the end of June or early July. CAPTAINS MEETING: A successful Captains meeting took place on May 7, 2014, with the attendance of 30 captains. Many issues were brought up at the meeting including the power washing of the cement areas under the buildings and shampooing of the hallway carpets. These tasks are undertaken by our maintenance employees each year after the winter season and we hope they will begin this year by June 1st. We hope to set up a mechanism whereby the captains will report to the management office, in writing, any matters that need attention in the common areas of their buildings. I will personally review their reports along with the management team and the needs of each building will be quickly addressed. This pertains to the common areas only. As usual, residents should report directly to the maintenance department any problems within their apartments. CEMENT WORK: We hope to commence the cement work under the buildings project by mid June. We will have two contractors do a sample building each and, thereafter, a determination will be made as to who we should ultimately do the entire project over the next few years. PARKING LOTS: Also in June we hope to commence repairing, repaving and striping of the parking lots. LOBBY DOORS: In July or thereabouts, we start a program to replace lobby doors. Five lobby doors will be replaced each year. Once again I would like to thank you for your continued support throughout the year. Stanley R. Greenberg Save the Date! Our Annual Shareholder Meeting to announce the 2014/15 budget will take place on the deck of Pool #2 by the Management Office on Thursday, June 19, 2014 at 7:30PM. We look forward to having a large attendance so please make every effort to attend. Have a safe summer!

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