A P R I L 3
Welcome to Spring! I hope everyone has had very
In our continuing effort to maintain the
joyous holidays.
building facades, we have AM&G contractors
Playground Completion:
on the property doing various
Le Havre’s second playground by B#27 is being totally
repairs at various buildings. This work
renovated with new padding and play equipment, to
is necessary to ensure the integrity of the
include swings, which have always been popular with
building exteriors.
the younger children. We have not had swings at Le
Cement Work:
Havre for more than 40 years, so we are happy to be
We will be resuming the cement project
able to bring them back safely. Swings have been a
under the buildings with Sal Salamone
popular request from many of the young families so,
hopefully, they will bring much joy to the children at
Le Havre. We will update you later on the opening date.
Watch out for notices posted with information on this
Tennis Courts:
We have completed the annual refurbishment of the
tennis courts in preparation for the upcoming season.
We hope to open the courts around mid-April, weather
We would also like to inform everyone that we plan to
open both swimming pools on Memorial Day weekend,
but Pool #1 will be open only on the weekends up to
June 26. After Saturday, June 26, Pool #1 will remain
open every day. Please keep in mind that Covid rules
will still need to be followed. Further information will
be forthcoming closer to the time.
Contracting early in June. At this juncture there are
nine buildings that still need to be completed. We hope
to complete four buildings this year, four buildings in
2022 and one in 2023, which will complete the cement
Spectrum Bulk Video & Bulk Internet Access
We are moving ahead to initiate the Bulk Package
with Spectrum which is scheduled to commence on July
1. As stated previously, we have hired a 3rd Party called
Onboard RS to take care of the advertising and marketing
for Spectrum services and to make this a smooth
transition. All questions should be addressed directly
to Onboard, who are qualified to give you the correct
information. They can be reached by email at info@
letsonboard.com, you can call them at (315) 873-2223,
or chat with a representative via live chat at onboardtoday.
com/lehavre. We ask that you please do not call the
Management office with enquiries.
Please note you must sign up with
Onboard prior to July 1 if you want
to avail yourself of the bulk package
pricing. I would like to reiterate that
anything over and above what the
bulk service offers will be an additional
charge directly from Spectrum.
For example, any additional DVR’s
(over the two included with the package),
or if you want to add a landline phone, are
not included in the bulk package and will be billed
separately from Spectrum.
Financial Summary:
The 8 months ending February 28, 2021 (budgeted
versus actual) showed total revenues of $.11,851,427.
(61.83%) of the budgeted amount of $19,168,187 and
total expenses of $11,538,487 (60.20 %) of the budgeted
amount of $19,168,137 as reported by our accountants.
The positive variance is due to the overall savings
from the loan refinancing.
This is a reminder that Covid is still with us, so we ask
residents to please wear a mask / face covering in all of
the common areas of the building (hallways, laundry
rooms, stairways, elevator, lobby and in the portico area
under the building).
Once again, I would like to thank all residents for their
continued support.
PUBLISHER & EDITOR Victoria Schneps-Yunis
LeHavre Courier, 38-15 Bell Blvd.
Bayside, NY 11361
718-224-5863 • Fax 718-224-5441 Sales fax: 718-631-3498
e-mail: editorial@qns.com
Entire Contents Copyright 2015 by the LeHavre Courier. All letters sent to LEHAVRE COURIER should be brief and are subject to condensing. Writers
should include a full address and home and office telephone numbers, where available, as well as affiliation, indicating special interest. Anonymous
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LEHAVRE COURIER. The publishers will not be responsible for any error in advertising beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error. Errors must be
reported to LEHAVRE COURIER within five days of publication. Ad position cannot be guaranteed unless paid prior to publication. LEHAVRE COURIER
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“We’re All About You”
The Welcome
The Le Havre Board of Directors
and management would like to
welcome new shareholders to the
community. Below are our most
recent new residents. We hope that
all of you settle in comfortably, get
to know your new neighbors and
enjoy living here at Le Havre!
Hingman & Tang
Likoyrgas Ordolis
Jennifer Chichotky
Hin Lee & Man Him Chan
Fei Chen & Jason Flores
Dimitrios, Theodore & Helen
Over the past 10 years, Le Havre
has accomplished several major capital
projects. All of these improvements
were done by current and prior
board members without any additional
Gas Conversion:
The gas conversion cost approximately
$2 million and saves the coop
a substantial amount on the cost of
Cement Work Under the Buildings:
The cement has been replaced in the
portico area under 23 buildings. New
drainage was included in this work
which helps immensely to decrease
the flooding under the buildings. The
remaining nine buildings will be finished
by 2023 and the total cost will
be approximately $3.5 million.
Lobby & Hallway
The Lobby and Hallway
renovations cost approximately
$2 million.
This project included
new, larger mailboxes
and gives our lobbies a
great look.
Intercoms / Cameras &
Intercoms, CCTV cameras and
signage cost approximately $800,000.
These items greatly improve security
for all residents, in the parking areas
and under the buildings.
Clubhouse & Playgrounds:
Gym equipment replacement
and playground refurbishment cost
approximately $100,000. These
improvements expand the health and
play area for our children and adults.
Elevator Replacement:
The elevator project
is estimated to cost $7
million. Funds for this
upgrade have been
secured through the
difficult work of our
current Board.
I would like to extend
my thanks to the Board
of Directors; our General
Manager, Margaret Costello;
and our Superintendent, Piotr
Moscicki, who have helped to accomplish
all of the above improvements.
Lest I forget, the financial wizardry
of our board president, Stanley
Greenberg, who through our recent
refinancing put us in a position of having
an excellent reserve fund along
with a capital fund to look to the
future for the co-op.