Breast self-exam guidelines
In addition to scheduling
clinical screenings and
mammograms, women
should routinely examine
and massage their breasts to
detect any abnormalities.
These breast self-exams can
be an important part of early
breast cancer detection.
Although many women
are aware that they should
become familiar with their
bodies, many are unsure
about just how frequently
they should conduct breast
examinations. Experts at
Johns Hopkins Medical
center advise adult women
of all ages to perform selfexaminations
at least once
a month. That’s because 40
percent of diagnosed breast
cancers are first detected by
women who feel a lump.
Establishing a regular
breast self-exam schedule
is very important.
Begin by looking
at the breasts in a mirror.
Note the size and
appearance of the
breasts, and pay attention
Women should routinely examine and massage their breasts to detect any abnormalities.
to any changes
that are normal parts
of hormonal changes
associated with menstruation.
should be evenly shaped
without distortion or
Changes that
should cause concern include
dimpling, puckering, or
bulging of the skin. Inverted
nipples or nipples that have
changed position, as well as
any rash or redness, should
be noted. In addition, the
same examination should be
done with arms raised over
the head.
The breasts should be felt
while both lying down and
standing up. Use the right
hand to manipulate the left
breast and vice versa. Use a
firm touch with the first few
fingers of the hand. Cover
the entire breast in circular
motions. The pattern taken
doesn’t matter so long as it
covers the entire breast.
All tissue, from the front
to the back of the breast,
should be felt.
The same pattern and procedure
should be conducted
while standing up. Many
women find this easiest to
do while in the shower.
It is important not to panic
if something is detected.
Not every lump is breast
cancer. And bumps may actually
be normal parts of the
breast, as certain areas can
feel different than others.
But bring any concerns to
the attention of your doctor.
Breast self-exams are a
healthy habit to adopt. When
used in conjunction with
regular medical care and
mammography, self-exams
can be yet another tool in
helping to detect breast abnormalities.
Doctors and nurses will
use similar breast examination
techniques during routine
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© 2019 Ronald M. Dragoon