40 Gay City News Impact Awards 2020
Dr. Asa Radix is the senior director of research and education at
the Callen-Lorde Community Health Center, which provides healthcare
services targeted to the LGBTQ community regardless of ability to pay
at locations in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and the Bronx.
that promote the health and well-being of LGBTQ communities.
University’s Grossman School of Medicine.
In that capacity, Asa directs a number of studies investigating factors
Asa is also clinical associate professor of medicine at New York
Originally from the West Indies, Asa trained in internal medicine
and infectious disease at the University of Connecticut and earned postgraduate degrees in epidemiology and public
health at Columbia University and at Cambridge University in the UK.
Working in the Caribbean earlier in his career, Asa headed up a public health department where he expanded
treatment and care services to people living with HIV.
He has more than 20 years of experience providing primary care to LGBTQ people and is a recognized expert in
transgender medicine.
Asa has been a member of teams developing guidelines for transgender care in multiple national and international
settings, including the Caribbean and Asia and the Pacifi c region. He currently co-chairs a working group reviewing and
updating the World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH) Standards of Care, the gold standard for
that fi eld of practice.
Asa has published widely in the fi eld of transgender health and made presentations at numerous national and
international conferences on LGBTQ healthcare.
Among the most recent professional articles Asa has published are an investigation of the use of HIV antiretrovirals and
PrEP among transgender people, a study of situations where children and parents disagree on whether to go forward with
medically assisted gender affi rmation, an analysis of preliminary results from a “pragmatic” clinical trial of one approach
toward improving HIV prevention behavior among young men, and a look at how gender dysphoria affects mental health
and sleep patterns among transgender New Yorkers.
In line with his commitment to improving HIV and sexual healthcare services for LGBTQ people and other populations,
Asa serves on advisory and oversight groups including the New York State AIDS Institute Medical Clinical Care Committee,
the federal Department of Health and Human Services Panel on Antiretroviral Guidelines for Adults and Adolescents, the
Pan American Health Organization HIV/ STI Technical Advisory Committee, the American Sexual Health Association,
and the medical advisory board of the Center of Excellence in Transgender Health at the University of California at San
Asa is an associate editor of the peer-reviewed journal Transgender Health and serves on the editorial board for the
International Journal of Transgender Health, a peer-reviewed quarterly.