Having joined Northwestern Mutual in 2002, Cody Dolly is a managing director in the Milwaukee-based fi nancial
services company’s White Plains offi ce. There, he leads a group of veteran fi nancial advisors while also overseeing the
recruitment and development of early career professionals.
The fi nancial advisory team Cody manages develops enduring relationships with clients by providing expert guidance
for a lifetime of fi nancial security. They work with clients to identify their own specifi c defi nition of fi nancial security and
then focus on the solutions that can help make those fi nancial goals a reality.
Cody and his team typically work with business owners and successful professionals, helping them fi nd the time to
make smart decisions about money. That work involves assisting clients in identifying and prioritizing the values that each
individual brings to the table and comparing what those values suggest with the fi nancial decisions they have made to
Cody takes pride in creating for his clients an atmosphere in which they focus their time and energy on their families
and businesses without fear that their fi nancial future may be in doubt. The result is that his clients employ fi nancial
solutions that allow them to accomplish the things that are truly important to them.
Cody has been an instrumental leader on the professional concerns of LGBTQ community members who work at
Northwestern Mutual. He serves on the LGBTQ+ Field Advisory Group and has been a critical voice in challenging the
group to push the boundaries and create greater impact.
This year, for the fi rst time in its 163-year history, Northwestern Mutual honored a local network offi ce with the Diversity
and Inclusion Champion Award, and Cody was a member of the judging panel that decided on that award. Given the
depth of his experience with the company and his level of professional credibility, he proved a tremendous asset to that
panel. Cody remains committed to and active in the effort to create a truly inclusive culture across his company’s wide
network of workplaces.
Cody was born and raised in the Adirondack region of New York State and now lives in Stamford, Connecticut. As
an Ironman triathlete and a marathon runner, he stays active and fi t physically, and he also enjoys travel, volunteering,
checking out new restaurants, and spending time with friends and family.
18 Gay City News Impact Awards 2020