From left: Councilman Barry Grodenchik, Queens County Farm Museum Executive Director Jennifer
Walden Weprin, New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets Commissioner Richard A. Ball,
and Assemblyman David Weprin. Photo by Jenna Bagcal/QNS
TIMESLEDGER | QNS.2 COM | DEC. 27-JAN. 2, 2020
Flushing Champion
Martial Arts always emphasizes
giving and serving
its community in whatever
way possible.
For the upcoming winter
season, the martial arts
organization collaborated
with Operation Child Rescue,
a nonprofit organization
that provides resources
to children worldwide
and improves their quality
of life. Throughout the
year, Champion Martial
Arts works with Operation
Child Rescue making a difference
in people’s lives.
Following a successful
Thanksgiving Food Drive,
10 Champions Martial
Arts schools from Queens,
Long Island and Brooklyn
participated in the Operation
Child Rescue Clothing
Drive held from Nov.
25 through Dec. 11. In total,
637 jackets and over 1,000
clothing items for the annual
New York Cares Coat
Drive were donated at the
NYPD 111th Precinct in
“The experience allowed
us to take time to remember
that there are many people
that do not have what they
need. It was such an honor
to give back to families for
this winter,” said Michael
Ro, of Champions Martial
Arts in Flushing.
As stated by New York
Cares, all jackets and
clothes will be given for social
service agencies, public
schools, transitional housing
shelters, and more.
The Coat Drive is a citywide
effort run by New
York Cares which aims to
collect over 100,000 coats
each year and distribute
them to New Yorkers who
need them most in the colder
The Coat Drive has been
running for 30 years and
this year will proudly deliver
its 2 millionth coat.
“Because of Champions
Martial Arts and Operation
Child Rescue, thousands
more are able to feel greater
warmth for this upcoming
winter season!” said
William Dobie, director of
Operation Child Rescue.
Reach reporter Carlotta
Mohamed by e-mail at cmohamed@
or by phone at (718) 260–
Food’s journey from farm
to fork is about to get shorter
following Queens County
Farm’s newly announced 1.6-
acre expansion.
On Dec. 17, the New York
State Department of Agriculture
and Markets confirmed
that nearly two acres of land
would undergo restoration at
the Floral Park farm, which
would increase the crop-growing
area by more than 30 percent.
The development, spearheaded
by Councilman Barry
Grodenchik, will aid one of
New York State’s longest continuously
operating farms in
bringing more fresh produce
to hungry residents.
“New York City residents
are fortunate to have the
Queens County Farm in the
middle of a city of nearly 10
million people,” said NYSDAM
Commissioner Richard
A. Ball. “The farm is a treasure
and a testament to New
York State’s appreciation of
its agricultural heritage. A
lot of our work at the Department
is about connecting
the dots between our farm
communities and our urban
centers. This farm is proof
that urban farming plays a
major role in driving New
York’s economy and enhancing
the quality of life for its
The nonprofit organization
and the New York State Office
of Mental health, which
owns the property, reached
an agreement to lease the land
for crop production. According
to Queens County Farm
Museum Executive Director
Jennifer Walden Weprin, the
planned growth enables them
to expand crop production to
include more variety including
garlic, potatoes, winter
squash, sweet potatoes and
Weprin joined Commissioner
Ball, Assemblyman
David Weprin, Councilman
Grodenchik and members of
John Bowne High School’s
FFA chapter for the Dec. 17 announcement.
Since its inception, the
Adriance family farmed the
original site for over 100 years
and through five generations.
Four subsequent owners continued
to farm the land until
real estate investor, Pauline
Reisman, bought the land in
1926 and turned it over to the
state. The state-owned Creedmoor
Hospital continued the
farming tradition for produce
and other plants.
Once Creedmore announced
plans to sell the property,
community members collaborated
to save the farm and
establish the Queens County
Farm Museum in 1975.
“This is big news for Queens
Farm. This land leased to us by
the State was part of the farm’s
original footprint in 1697. This
expansion supports the farm’s
planned growth and will help
enable us to broaden our reach
so we can serve more people in
need of fresh produce in our
communities,” said Weprin.
The land is located just behind
the soccer fields on the
premises. To prepare for the
upcoming expansion, Weprin
said that they need to install
a gate between the existing
fences and get a tractor to even
out the road area.
Additionally, farm employees
will observe the property
for one season to observe what
organically grows on the land
and how best to maintain it.
The farm hosts an average
of 400,000 visitors, 100,000 of
which are students, each year.
Since 1975, Queens County
Farm has welcomed nearly 10
million visitors to learn about
the nearly 14,000 pounds of
fresh fruit, vegetables, herbs
and flowers as well as the 270
farm animals on site.
“The Office of Mental
Health is delighted to provide
Queens County Farm Museum
with the space it needs to
expand crop production and
bring more produce to kitchen
tables in Queens. Food scarcity
is a critical social determinant
of mental health and
we are happy to support any
effort that combats its effects,”
said NYSOMH Commissioner
Dr. Ann Sullivan.
Reach reporter Jenna Bagcal
by e-mail at jbagcal@qns.
com or by phone at (718) 260-
Champions Martial Arts participated in Operation Child Rescue’s
clothing drive, where Champions Martial Arts schools from
Queens, Long Island, and Brooklyn volunteered to be donation
centers for gently used jackets and other clothing items.
Photo courtesy of William Dobie
Flushing martial arts
center donates more
than 1,000 clothing
items for New York
Cares Coat Drive
Queens County Farm announces 1.6-acre expansion
FLUSHING TIMES (USPS#03925) is published weekly by Queens CNG LLC, 38-15 Bell Boulevard, Bayside, NY 11361, (718) 229-0300. The entire contents of this publication are copyright 2019. All rights reserved.
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