C R Y D E R P O I N T 16NOVEMBER SEAWALL UPDATE November 2015 As everyone is aware, work continues on the Seawall Project. The biggest change from the original timeline is the inclusion of refurbishing the dock. As the photos illustrate, the dock has been severely damaged by the rash of storms over the past couple of years. In addition, it has lacked proper security, and outsiders have able to access the dock very easily. The initial plan had been to address the dock after the seawall had been completed. However, the engineer and contractor recommended that the dock be folded into the overall scope of the project to leverage the fact that equipment and crews are already on site. Members of the Board met with them to discuss options and determine a course of action that would be best for maximizing cost efficiencies while still trying to get the project done within a reasonable timeframe. It was ultimately decided that the recommendation to do the dock work now was a logical one, since it is estimated that we will be saving approximately $100,000 due to the cost of new mobilization, staging and permits that would be necessary at a later time. 16 CRYDER POINT COURIER | NOVEMBER 2015 | WWW.QNS.COM Construction continues on the interior side of the seawall The Cryder Point dock in its current condition November 2015 Work moves forward at the pool and playground areas Cranes look like part of the landscape, but this too shall pass! Fencing and new stairs will provide greater security
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