

VOTE! TUESDAY, SEPT. 9 democrat john liu. delivering for us! P: 646-490-9818. E: [email protected]. Paid for by John Liu Senate Election Committee. MELINDA KATZ Queens BP DEMOCRAT FOR STATE SENATE ED BRAUNSTEIN Assemblyman PAUL VALLONE Council Member WWW.QUEENSCOURIER.COM | AUGUST 2014 | CRYDER POINT COURIER 7 GARY ACKERMAN Congressman GRACE MENG Congresswoman john liu for state senate a record of results The leaders we trust endorse JOHN LIU for State Senate because he delivers for Queens. AS COMPTROLLER, protecting retirees’ pensions by growing the funds to record levels EXPOSING PROBLEMS with Access-a-Ride, leading to better service for seniors and people with disabilities DELIVERING CRITICAL FUNDS for schools, libraries, parks and senior centers SAVING TAXPAYERS OVER $5 BILLION through fiscal oversight, audits and keeping vendors and contractors honest PROTECTING WOMEN'S EQUALITY and a woman's right to choose “john liu gets the job done .”

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