10 C R Y D E R P O I N T JULY/AUGUST LET’S GET PHYSICAL—Cryder hosts water aerobics Important Pool Info A copy of revised Pool Rules is being given to members as they enter the pool area. If you are a member but have not visited the pool lately or have not received a copy, please be aware of the new rules reprinted below. Thank you. Cryder Point Pool Rules and Regulations: MEMBERSHIP All residents and shareholders may become members of the pool. Residents who are NOT members may NOT use the pool as guests. No resident minor can be a member unless at least one parent/guardian is a member. Membership is not transferable. SAFETY Members and their guests using the pool and related facilities do so at their own risk. Before entering the pool all bathers must observe sanitary regulations as required by New York City Health Code Regulations. CPOC requires that infants wear rubber panties with elasticized waist and legs, OVER DIAPERS. Use of the pool or pool area when a lifeguard is not on duty is strictly prohibited. Children under 6 years of age are NOT allowed within 3 feet of the swimming pool without a parent or guardian with them at all times. Children must demonstrate to a lifeguard that they can swim before they are allowed in in the deep end of the pool without a life jacket. Children’s toys, shoes, etc. are not to be left by pool stairs as they are a trip hazard. No inflatable items are permitted in the deep end of the pool. Running, skipping, water guns or other water squirting devices and tossing balls or other objects on the pool deck is strictly prohibited. Glass containers of any kind are strictly prohibited. Residents should not take it upon themselves to approach someone observed using glass but instead should notify the pool manager. Members are subject to a $250 fine if they or their guests are observed using glass containers and do not remove them when requested to do so by a pool employee, and pool membership may be revoked in the event of more than one violation. Violators will also be responsible for any fines imposed by the NYC Dept. of Health. ENTRANCE TO THE POOL ALL members must be identified by the pool staff whenever entering the pool area. Members must present their current Cryder Point Pool Membership I.D. card upon entering. There is a $25 replacement fee for lost I.D. cards. All children under eleven (11) years of age must be accompanied and supervised by an adult at all times. Guests will be permitted to enter the facilities only when accompanied by an adult pool member (16 years or older). Members must sign-in all guests and must be present while their guests are using the Cryder Point facilities. Guests will be given an identification bracelet which will be good only for the day they are visiting. Each member is permitted a maximum of four (4) guests at the pool at any time. Management and/or the Board of Directors reserve the right to refuse admission to any guests. QUALITY OF LIFE AT THE POOL Members are responsible not only for their own actions but those of their guests. Management has the right to limit the number of guests per member at any time, as well as the right to limit the overall number of guests at the pool at any time. Management has full authority to suspend or revoke the membership of any violators of pool regulations, anyone whose conduct is deemed objectionable or anyone who compromises the safety and the enjoyment of other members. 10 cryder point courier | JULY/AUGUST 2013 | WWW.QUEENSCOURIER.COM Lifeguards and Management shall have the right to remove from the pool area any persons who behave in an unsafe, undesirable or objectionable manner. Management reserves the right to close all or part of the pool facilities due to inclement weather, mechanical failure, etc., without penalty. Smoking is prohibited in the pool area. Carriages, strollers and related equipment will be permitted in the pool area provided they .are used in a reasonable fashion. · Dogs and other pets are prohibited from the pool area at all times. No persons shall have the right to reserve lounges, tables, chairs, etc. Earphones must be used when playing electronic devices for music/television. Use of illegal substances is expressly prohibited and shall be cause for immediate revocation of membership. In order to avoid annoyance or discomfort, no political electioneering or any solicitation is permitted. Pool members and guests must wear cover-ups while walking between the pool area and buildings. Food and beverages will be permitted provided that observance of strict sanitary guidelines is maintained. Children’s parties may be held Monday-Friday only and must end by 5 PM. The number of guests is not to exceed 4 times the number of lifeguards on duty. Reservations are to be made with the pool manager in advance. Only one pool party per day; no exceptions. Due to ordinances and capacity limitations we must limit the number of people at the pool on the July 4th and Labor Day holidays due to membersonly barbeques. Guests will be permitted entry after 2:30 PM on these days at normal weekend rates. Barbecue grills are available for members’ convenience starting at 5 PM seven days per week. Only pool members and their guests will be permitted to use the barbecues. -Revised July 19, 2013 BY JOHANN HAMILTON Cryder Point residents are beating the heat while staying healthy. Georgia Papagianis, the head lifeguard at the Cryder Point pool, leads a water aerobics class every Friday afternoon. The class, which takes place between noon and 1 p.m., has approximately 20 members, and started in June. “I love doing water aerobics,” Papagianis said. “I also enjoy teaching it because I like seeing the members’ smiling faces. My favorite part of the class is when we dance like The Rockettes at the end.” The class was set up by Trident, CPOC’s recreational pool company, and is mostly comprised of seniors which Papagianis explained is because it is easier for them to exercise while in the water. “The water resistance is good for them, and makes it a little easier than exercising on land,” she said. “It’s also good because it’s been very hot lately, and exercising in the pool helps reduce sweating and the risk of things like heat strokes.” In addition Papagianis pointed out, the buoyancy of the water reduces a person’s weight, which lessens the strain on muscles and joints. Lung capacity is improved due to the exerciser’s lungs working harder under the pressure of the water, and an hour-long workout in water generally burns more calories than the same workout on land due to the water resistance. Water aerobics is also a social exercise in that it gives people a chance to get together, catch up and talk with one another, noted Papagianis. The Cryder Point pool season ends on Labor Day weekend.
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