June 9 C R Y D E R P O I N T www.queenscourier.com | June 2015 | CRYDER POINT Courier 7 What changes would you like to see made at Cryder Point, and why? I want to ensure that expenditures and capital investment are done prudently with long-term benefits. I’d like to hold down maintenance increases and be very responsive to the concerns and input from all shareholders. I plan to do whatever is possible and reasonable to increase property values and the quality of life at Cryder Point JASON KOBER (incumbent) Why are you seeking (re) election to the board? I have been a member of the Board since 2014. I’ve enjoyed working with the Board on current projects and would like to continue as I feel we have a great group of people that work well together. As a group, we’ve worked toward improving the quality of life in the community as well as improving the property. What interests, talent, education or experience do you possess that would serve as an asset to the Board? I have owned and managed rental properties for more than 10 years. I’m interested in energy conservation, and I’m in the process of becoming a CPA. What changes would you like to see made at Cryder Point, and why? I believe the Board has done a great job on improvement, but I also believe we can still make improvements on energy conservation to reduce our costs. In this respect, I’ve discussed a rainwater recovery system with our resident manager to reduce our water costs. JOHN NAEGELE (incumbent) Why are you seeking (re) election to the board? I have been on the Board since 2010, focusing on the financial aspect of operations. Even though we’ve successfully completed a major refinancing and obtained a construction loan, there are still financial matters to address. What interests, talent, education or experience do you possess that would serve as an asset to the Board. I have been a tax preparer for 15 years and a certified financial planner for more than 25 years. I have a head for numbers and analysis, which is a big part of a Board member’s job. What changes would you like to see made at Cryder Point, and why? I would push to see reserve-fund replenishment be a standard practice for all boards. There are still some small—by terrace-project standards— jobs we must address, which will be paid for by the reserve fund. To maintain our standard as a healthy co-op, we must replenish the reserve fund every time it gets drawn down. JILL DAVIS (incumbent) Why are you seeking (re) election to the board? I have been on the Board for four years and seeking re-election to continue working toward the ongoing improvement of or beautiful community. What interests, talent, education or experience do you possess that would serve as an asset to the Board. In addition to my current experience on the Board, serving as secretary and President, I bring 30 years of business and management experience to CPOC. I’ve found that my professional background has been extremely applicable to understanding budgets, knowing how to work cooperatively in a group and in being decisive, honest and fair in all dealings. All of us are, first and foremost, neighbors and shareholders. At the same time, Cryder Point is a corporation. As in any business, this requires all Board members to remain objective when applying our knowledge. Most of all, the best business people always keep in mind the #1 consideration: the well-being and benefit of the entire corporation—in our case, our community—in every decision that is made. What changes would you like to see made at Cryder Point, and why? I believe this past year has seen many improvements, most notably the continuation of the balcony reconstruction and the critical sea wall project. I’m looking forward to seeing both of these key initiatives completed this year, which will allow us to move on to beautifying our grounds once again. LOUIS F. GARCIA (incumbent) Why are you seeking (re) election to the board? I’d like to continue and see the work we started finished. My knowledge of our ongoing projects is helpful in realizing a successful conclusion. What interests, talent, education or experience do you possess that would serve as an asset to the Board? I was the Chief Fire Marshall of New York City and managed the Bureau of Fire Investigation. What changes would you like to see made at Cryder Point, and why? I would to see the continued improvement of our infrastructure. PHIL RESNICK (incumbent) Why are you seeking (re) election to the board? I would like to continue as an active participant in the decision-making process, while Cryder Point is undergoing major renovations. What interests, talent, education or experience do you possess that would serve as an asset to the Board? My engineering training, business experience, combined with the knowledge acquired during my years working in the financial industry; my work ethics, enthusiasm and persistent personality, have allowed me to contribute already, and hopefully will continue to benefit CPOC Board of Directors for the next two years. What changes would you like to see made at Cryder Point, and why? Despite the fact that for the last 3 years we lived through enormously big development at our site, thanks to the Cryder Point staff, our infrastructure and grounds were maintained adequately. But there is always room for improvement. After the sea wall restoration and terrace project are completed, we should concentrate on further improving our regular maintenance, planning and implementing preventive infrastructure maintenance procedures. MINNA J. COHEN (incumbent) Why are you seeking (re) election to the board? As a Board member for the last 2 years, I’ve had the opportunity to work with the Board of Directors to ensure the future vitality of Cryder Point. We worked in a collaborative manner with all community-based projects. As a continuing member of the CPOC Board, I can continue the work to have these projects be successfully completed. What interests, talent, education or experience do you possess that would serve as an asset to the Board? I have a law degree, and look at the business conducted with the CPOC Board through the lens of a lawyer. Every project is for the betterment of the community at large. I work with many community-based organizations through my job. I understand the standard that businesses apply to make sure their work is completed at a high level and with integrity. As a CPOC Board member, I approach every item of business with the focus that the shareholders and community member come first. What changes would you like to see made at Cryder Point, and why? The physical and structural changes that Cryder Point is undergoing is to provide longterm stability to the infrastructure and grounds of our development. Cryder Point is our home and a community everyone is proud to be a part of. I want to continue building up various aspects of Cryder Point for generations to come.
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