C R Y D E R P O I N T 6 JUNE ‘Point’ of View Meet the candidates Three members of the Cryder Point Board of Directors are seeking re-election this month – and one new candidate, Jason Kober, is looking to serve in elections set for June 26. The three incumbents who are running again are Louis Garcia, and Richard Greenbaum, and Kostas Sfelionitis. The elections will be held during the annual board meeting at the Bay Terrace Jewish Center. Richard GREENBAUM Incumbent Board Member Years at Cryder Point: 21 Occupation: Information Technology Consultant I have served on the Board for two years. During that time the Board has refinanced our mortgage at a low rate, begun the interior balconies project which proceeds on schedule, completed the gas conversion project, obtained more favorable insurance, hired a new landscaping company, a new legal firm, a new pool management company, repaired the dock, rebuilt the community room, reorganized 6 cryder point courier | JUNE 2014 | WWW.QUEENSCOURIER.COM coop management, established more e q u i t a b l e parking and storage bin allocation, and eliminated the bicycle storage fee. I would like to remain a part of this continued improvement initiative. With authorization from the Board, I have been consulting with a solar energy company to evaluate fully offsetting the purchase cost of electricity for all common areas. I also want to thoroughly evaluate the Board’s upcoming adoption of a seawall restoration plan and contractor selection. Another high priority item is remediating the winter heat distribution problem. Finally, responsible budgeting and financial control should remain an ongoing effort. Jason KOBER Candidate for Board Member Years at Cryder Point: 5 Occupation: Accountant I have been living at Cryder Point for over 5 years and would like to be more involved with the running of the community. I like the progress that has been made over the past several years and believe I can continue to improve the community with fresh ideas. In addition to working as an accountant, I have owned and operated rental properties for over 10 years. I am familiar with and understand the process of renting, maintaining and budgeting properties. Over the past few years, the board has made many great improvements. I look forward to being able to continue with these improvements including the communication with the residents, improvements to the property to reduce operating costs and reviewing contracts with vendors. Kostas SFELIONITIS Incumbent Board Member Years at Cryder Point: 4 Occupation: Chief Marine Engineer, NYC DOT I am seeking re-election to the Board of Directors to see all the work that I have been involved in for the past two years completed. There was an enormous task at hand when I was elected to the Board. Projects such as the terrace replacement and the gas conversion were already under way. I am proud of the outcome of those that were completed, and hope that I get elected to one more term, so as to see the completion of the ones still in progress. I think my biggest asset is the fact that I have served on the Board the past two years. I have been involved in all aspects of the Board operations; from planning the budget and refinancing our mortgage, to meeting and selecting engineers and contractors. This has provided me with a broad knowledge base of the management of our community. As we near the completion of our large scale capital improvement projects, I think that we can make small changes that will enhance our property and be widely used by our residents. I think that the addition of a gym is one such amenity. Just like the expansion of the community room, I think if we can allocate the proper space for such a project, it would be a widely popular venue Louis GARCIA Incumbent Board Member Years at Cryder Point: 18 Occupation: NYC Firefighter (retired) I’ve had one term and would like to continue to see the projects that were started are finished. I was the Chief Fire Marshall of New York City and managed the Bureau of Fire Investihgation. I want to continue to improve our infrastructure.
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