

C R Y D E R P O I N T 8 MAY FINALLY! The Rebuilding Is In Full Swing… Cranes move tons of boulders into place March 20 heralded the first day of spring and yet another snowstorm. Fortunately, it also signaled a change—albeit moderate—in the weather and no further wintry precipitation. In the weeks that followed, the stalled sea wall project pushed forward, gaining back some of the delay it suffered by virtue of the advance work completed—such as rebar molding—in anticipation of more amenable weather. Much of the rebar is now in place and the repointing of the wall is in full swing, with additional new drainage pipes. The wall will be extended another 18 inches in height when it is complete and literally thousands of tons of boulders, some more than a ton by themselves, will be set against it as further precaution against the ocean and elements. As work progresses, the old corrugated metal barriers are being removed and scrapped. “None of them were set properly,” Resident Manager Bill Newell explains. “They varied in depth, some hardly buried at all, but none of them set at the proper depth.” The gradation of the slope leading to the wall will also be lessened and bushes will line the top to help shore up the ground, all part of ensuring the job is done properly and the new wall will last for generations to come. Work is predicated on the tides 8 CRYDER POINT COURIER | MAY 2015 | WWW.QUEENSCOURIER.COM Resident Manager Bill Newell surveys reconstruction progress

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