Lots to look forward to Things are moving along these days…the terrace work has begun on the 41 Building, and the contractors are working quickly to keep construction on pace. We’ve set the date for the Annual Shareholders Meeting: Thursday, June 27. This is the most important meeting of the year since it’s our annual election for the Board of Directors, so please mark your calendar—and be sure to vote! There are four seats up for election this year. If you would like to run for office, please note that the deadline to submit your application is Monday, May 27. Application forms have gone out to all shareholders, and you can also access the resume form at the CPOC website, www. cryderpoint.com. On to fun stuff: Pool Season is almost here! The pool will be opening on Saturday, May 25. Membership forms have been distributed to all shareholders. New this year is a monthly membership option, which we hope will help accommodate residents who take extended summer vacations and may not be able to use the pool for the whole summer. On a related note, as everyone knows, our current pool lounge chairs have seen better days. We’re pleased to let everyone know that new chairs have been ordered and are expected to arrive on or about June 10th. They’ll not only be more comfortable but also give the area a fresh new look that our beautiful riverside pool deserves. In honor of Mother’s Day, we hope you enjoy this month’s interviews with Cryder Point Moms. And a Happy belated Mother’s Day to all Cryder Point Moms! That about wraps it up for now. See you next month, Jill Davis Jill Davis C R Y D E R P O I N T 6 MAY MAY 2013 ANNOUNCEMENTS & REMINDERS: Pool Opening: Saturday, May 25. Early membership deadline is May 17. Annual Shareholders’ Meeting: Thursday, June 27. Time and location to be announced. Candidates for Board of Directors: Applications due by May 27. Apartment Problems: If you have a problem in your apartment such as heat, plumbing, etc., please contact your Concierge. He/she will notify the Office to provide assistance as soon as possible. Insurance Certificates: All residents are required to maintain homeowners’ insurance. Please provide the Office with a copy of your Declarations Page of your homeowners’ policy. Emergency Contacts: All residents have received a form to provide the Office with updated contact information in the event of an emergency. If you have not already done so, please complete and return the form as soon as possible. Dog Owners: Register your dog! Your dog must wear a CPOC issued medallion anywhere on CPOC property. Dogs observed without a medallion will be assumed not to be registered and owners will be subject to a $250 fine. See Stacey in the office to register. There is a one-time $25 registration fee per dog. Dog Walking: House Rules expressly prohibit walking dogs anywhere on the property to relieve themselves; failure to comply will result in a warning and/or $250 fine. Please keep your dog on a short leash to prevent them from wandering onto the grass of CPOC property. 6 CRYDER POINT COURIER | MAY 2013 | WWW.QUEENSCOURIER.CO Message from the BOARD PRESIDENT IMPORTANT CONTACTS Management Offi ce: 718-767-5003 Management Offi ce Fax: 718-767-1549 Lobby/Doorman: 718-767-5336 Board of Directors e-mail: [email protected]
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