

C R Y D E R P O I N T 10 APRIL Brickman Landscaping brings color to 41 Building Cryder Point’s new landscaping firm, Brickman Landscaping, has already begun regular maintenance on the grounds. Major renovation will be necessary throughout the community following terrace reconstruction work. Their first major project will be on the east side of the 41 Building. Brickman provided renderings for how the general layout of the area will look. “We’re very impressed with the thoughtfulness and care Brickman has shown in illustrating their vision,” explained CPOC Board President Jill Davis. “This is only the beginning of what will be a long-term project throughout the grounds, and we’re looking forward to a successful, long-standing partnership with Brickman.” 10 cryder point courier | APRIL 2014 | WWW.QUEENSCOURIER.COM Renderings of landscaping east side of 41 Building as provided by Brickman Landscaping Davis hopes that the landscaping will bring color and depth to the area.

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