Intrepid Memorial Day ceremony honors
fallen soldiers’sacrifi ce, appeals for unity
On Memorial Day, the Intrepid Sea,
Air and Space Museum held its
annual ceremony in order to honor
all of those who have given their lives while
serving in the United States Armed Forces.
Despite the uncharacteristic gloominess,
the chilly and damp conditions didn’t hinder
the Star-Spangled Banner from fl ying
over the Hudson River or the droves of
enlisted men and women from paying their
respects to their peers.
This 2021 commemoration is a longstanding
annual observance, and although
many came to celebrate those who have
lost their lives protecting the country, attendance
was limited due to COVID-19 to
about 200.
Looking out at the fl eet of white chairs
and thanking those who have made the
ultimate sacrifi ce, speakers addressed the
elephant in the room — the turbulent racial
and political divide the country has faced
over the last 15 month
“As you know Memorial Day was enacted
to honor soldiers of the Civil War and
Families were excited to celebrate the holiday in person once more.
it was celebrated near the day of Reunifi cation
after the Civil War. Today, most importantly,
Memorial Day is a time that brings
us together when we fi nd ourselves so
greatly divided in so many different ways.
Memorial Day brings us together to pause
and to refl ect,” Navy Region Mid-Atlantic
Commander Charles Rock said.
Joining the ceremony, Mayor Bill de Blasio
also spoke to the families and veterans
in attendance. Like Commander Rock, de
Blasio thanked those who have not only
made the ultimate sacrifi ce against physical
foes but also to the invisible virus.
Recounting the challenges New York
faced over the past year, he cited the coming
number of months as time to heal, unite,
and leave the woes of the past behind.
“I hope on Memorial Day, we remember
what was, and we remember the ideals of
those who gave their lives, and then we
recommit ourselves because in the end,
everyone here has talked about the challenges
we faced, but we cannot let those
challenges overcome us,” de Blasio said.
“We have to be better than that. The pandemic
threw at us more than we ever could
have imagined, but we did persevere, all
of us, as New Yorkers, as Americans, we
did persevere. We found something inside
ourselves. Let’s fi nd it now. As we bind our
nation together, again, let’s fi nd the unity
that we felt in those moments, fi ghting
COVID shoulder to shoulder and take it
forward, create something better.”
Following the speeches, the mayor
joined top Navy offi cials and members of
the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum
by tossing a wreath into the Hudson River
in memory of those lost during current
confl icts.
Sharpton, Glover rally in Chinatown against anti-Asian hate
Part of Chinatown was transformed
into an outdoor, star-studded street
assembly on May 27 in the latest effort
to combat anti-Asian hate and support
the AAPI community.
Leaders of 1199SEIU hosted a rally that
closed off Bayard and Mott Streets to traffi c
and erected a large stage between storefronts.
Pumping loud music, hundreds of
members of the public and union workers
fi lled into the street waving signs and wearing
stickers that encapsulated the event’s
theme: Stop Asian Hate.
Actor Danny Glover stood on the erected
stage alongside Civil Rights leaders from
the National Action Network Reverend Al
Sharpton and Rev. Franklyn Richardson,
president of 1199SEIU United Healthcare
Workers East George Gresham, and more
in renewing a plea to end what seems like
an endless spate of hate crimes plaguing
the Big Apple.
Sweating attendees in the late spring
heat fanned themselves with signs while
standing in support of the victims of anti-
Asian hate and listen to the renowned panel
of speakers.
Sharpton denounced white supremacy
Danny Glover said it is important to be present for those in need.
and former President Donald Trump for
perpetuating AAPI hatred by referring
to COVID-19 as the “China virus.” However,
he also criticized Black and Brown
individuals who have engaged in violence
against Asians, calling those few a misrepresentation
of the black community.
“There are some of us in the Black
community that have become part of this
hate, and we are not going to allow you
to represent or misrepresent us. Blacks,
Latinos, Asians, Hispanics, all of us need to
stand together,” Sharpton said. “You can’t
fi ght for George Floyd and ignore the hate
that is being done in the Asian community.
You can’t fi ght all of the victims unless you
fi ght for every victim. That’s why we are in
Chinatown this morning.”
“We say to those cowards that are acting
like Trump sent you: don’t you assault
anyone based on hate without justifying the
hate that has been perpetrated against us.
You are a sell out and a disgrace to our
community,” the reverend added.
In addition to asking New Yorkers to
stand up and support the AAPI community
in the face of physical violence, speakers
also asked the horde of visitors to show
their fi nancial support to an economically
crippled Chinatown by enjoying a meal in
the area.
Those on stage told the large gathering
that it is not simply enough to merely say
stop Asian hate, they must come back to
the community and show residents they
are not alone.
Glover attempted to personify this by
traveling from his home in San Francisco
and sharing his grief over the countless
Asian American and Pacifi c Island citizens
who have been the target of hate.
“We are here also in the struggle for
justice. We can’t just be accountable, we
have to be there and present. I’m happy that
I’m right here in the Chinese community
in New York City, present in the time that
we need to be present, making their story,
connecting their story to our collective
stories of struggle. We’ll stand here, well
fi ght here, we got your back,” Glover said.
10 June 3, 2021 Schneps Media