SUNY Downstate has ensured
safety measures at University
Hospital of Brooklyn, its
emergency room, outpatient,
primary, and specialty care
clinics at all our locations. You
have the choice to see your
healthcare provider through
telehealth or with an in-person
visit to one of our clinics.
Call us TODAY at 718-270-7207
to make an appointment or visit us at
Social distancing practices, stringent hand-washing
at nothing to keep you safe!
American Princess Cruises
Adventure Cruises
95% sightings
Now Sailing from Temporary Dock in Sheepshead Bay
**Pier 3 Bedford Ave and Emmons Ave, Brooklyn
5 pm Sunset Adventures Every Thurs & Sat, July 30 - Aug 30 718-474-0555
Caribbean Life, August 21-27, 2020 7
Now taking
we are here for you.
12 Noon Adventures Wed - Sunday
For schedules & information: