Diamond mine
Bandits nabbed a diamond ring
and bracelet from a vacant Ocean
Parkway apartment on April 23.
The victim told police that the
thieves broke in through an open
kitchen window of the home between
Avenue Z and Murdock Court
and snagged over $18,000 worth of
Maintenance fl ea
Weasels swiped $50,000 worth of
equipment from a Surf Ave public
housing complex on April 24.
An employee told police that the
raiders broke into the maintenance
room of the complex between W.
29th and W. 32nd streets through a
side window at around 7 am by removing
an A/C unit, before grabbing
the contraband and fl eeing.
Scrap metal
Pilferers snagged a catalytic converter
from a car parked on Shore
Parkway on April 21.
Police say that surveillance
shows another vehicle parked behind
the car between Brighton
Third Street and Ocean Parkway at
around 4 pm while the bandits got
out and nabbed the $1,000 car part.
Son of a gun
Savages threatened to shoot a
man’s son during a bike robbery at
a Bay Ridge Parkway park on April
The victim told police that the
louts approached him with the
threat at the greenspace near the
intersection of Bay Parkway at
around 8:40 pm, before fl eeing on
his two-wheeler.
Bag guy
A sneak thieve nabbed a woman’s
purse when walking on 71st
Street on April 20.
The victim told police that the
bandit grabbed her bag between
18th and 19th avenues around 2:30
pm, but dropped some of her items
during a brief scuffl e.
Benz jacked
Carjackers stole a Mercedes Benz
left running on Bay 16th Street on
April 21.
The victim told police that she
left her car quickly to deliver food
to the home between Shore Parkway
and Cropsey Avenue at around
11:45 pm when the pirates hijacked
the car.
—Jessic Parks
COURIER L 8 IFE, APR. 30-MAY 6, 2021
Brewski brute
Cops cuffed a man for allegedly
attacking a shopper while trying to
bag a bunch of booze from a Fulton
Mall pharmacy on April 19.
The victim told police that the
suspect allegedly tried to nab two
12-packs of beer from the shop between
Hanover Place and Bond
Street just before 1:10 pm, but when
another customer tried to stop him
they got into a scuffl e, with the perpetrator
allegedly injuring the victim’s
Police arrested the man on felony
robbery charges at the location
shortly before 1:30 pm, according to
police reports.
Crime ring
Police arrested a man for allegedly
trying to rob a donut chain
store on Jay Street on April 21.
The store worker told police that
the man came into the shop between
the Fulton Mall and Willoughby
Street at 5:30 pm and allegedly
grabbed the tip jar, before hitting an
employee who tried to stop him.
Cops arrested the man for felony
robbery charges.
Shoppin’ around
A knife-wielding knave stole
$3,000 from a woman on Jay Street
on April 9.
The victim told police that the
suspect pulled out a blade at the corner
of the Fulton Mall and forced her
to withdraw $1,000 cash from a bank
machine, before snatching her debit
card, which he used for $2,000-worth
of purchases elsewhere.
Hallway robbery!
A package pirate looted a guy’s
Court Street apartment lobby on
April 12.
The victim told police that the invader
rang several doorbells until
someone buzzed him to the building
between Joralemon and Livingston
streets just before 5:30 pm, before he
grabbed a parcel containing a $100
camera and ran off.
Five-fi lcher discount
Cops cuffed one of fi ve men suspected
of raiding an Atlantic Avenue
department store on April 23.
A store employee told police that
the fi ve suspects allegedly grabbed
makeup, underwear, shirts, sportswear,
and handbags from the shop
at Boerum Place just before 6 pm,
before fl eeing in a getaway car without
Police arrested one 18-year-old
man at the same location the next
day at 6:30 pm for felony grand larceny
charges, cops said.
— Kevin Duggan
Night of three seperate
shootings rock Brooklyn
A 17-year-old boy was gunned down in Canarsie. Photo by Lloyd Mitchell
A 17-year-old boy was gunned
down in an apparent gang-related
shooting in Canarsie early in the
morning of April 23 — one of three
separate episodes of gun violence
to rock the borough that night.
Police said the fatal encounter
happened at about 12:07 am,
behind an apartment building
in the Bay View Houses public
housing complex, where they
found the victim with a gunshot
wound to his chest.
Through a preliminary investigation,
police learned that
the victim had been involved
in a dispute with fi ve unknown
males just before he was shot.
It appears that the incident was
linked to gang activity.
The group of fi ve was seen
fl eeing from the scene just after
the shot was fi red, law enforcement
sources said.
EMS rushed the victim to
Brookdale University Hospital,
where he was pronounced dead
a short time later. Police have
withheld his identity, pending
family notifi cation.
So far, no arrests have been
made in the ongoing investigation.
Elsewhere in Brooklyn, a
16-year-old boy clings his life after
being shot in the head at the
Ingersoll Houses complex in Fort
Authorities said the shooting
happened at about 10:45 pm
on April 22 near an apartment
building at 99 North Portland
Offi cers from the 88th Precinct
found the victim with a
gunshot wound to his head in
front of the location. Detectives
have not yet surmised why he
had been shot.
EMS units rushed the victim
to NewYork-Presbyterian Brooklyn
Methodist Hospital in critical
No arrests have been made in
the case, police said.
Finally, in Bushwick, cops are
looking for the gun-slinger who
wounded a 21-year-old man in an
apparent drive-by shooting early
Friday morning.
Law enforcement sources said
the gunfi re erupted at about 2:26
am on April 23 in front of a home
at the corner of Covert Street and
Knickerbocker Avenue.
According to police, the
shooter rolled up to the location
inside a black Honda sedan
and began fi ring at the victim,
striking him in the right hip.
The vehicle then sped away from
the location northbound along
Knickerbocker Avenue, NYPD
sources said.
The incident was reported to
the 83rd Precinct. Police said the
victim had been taken by private
means to Wyckoff Heights Medical
Center for treatment of his injuries,
which do not appear to be
No arrests have been made in
the case, police said.