Third Avenue businesses
in Bay Ridge got into the winter
spirit over the weekend and
treated patrons to a day filled
with art, treats, and discounts
for the 10th rendition of the “Embrace
Winter Festival.”
“We wound up having beautiful
weather we didn’t expect,”
said Victoria Hofmo, executive
director of Bay Ridge Arts and
Cultural Association, which
puts on the festival every year.
“We had about 13-20 businesses
do promotions, which was very
good, especially after COVID.”
The weekend-long event, on
March 19 and March 20, was
sponsored by Bay Ridge Arts and
Cultural Association, an organization
that launched in 2011 to
promote the artistic and cultural
richness in Bay Ridge, in partnership
with Third Avenue Merchants
Their goal is to broadcast
some of the art by local artists,
which were posted in venues
along Third Avenue since Feb. 26.
Participating businesses
hosted a piece of art in their
store through the month, and on
March 19, offered discounts and
special treats — such as mimosas,
a chance to win a $100 gift
card, and a free scalp treatment
with a massage purchase — to
patrons who mentioned “Embrace
Winter Festival.”
The handful of artists involved,
often returning from the
festival’s previous nine years,
show work inspired by their experiences,
such as being an immigrant
as in Hildos’ Inside Out,
the St. Lucy’s Day Festival in
Sweden in Whitney Hamiltion’s
St Lucy and Black Phillip, as well
as historic photo installations
at the Scandinavian East Coast
Museum showcasing Norwegian
Brooklyn’s Maritime History.
Bay Ridge Arts and Cultural
Association hosted a guided “Art
Walk,” during Saturday as well,
to explain the history and meaning
of the several art pieces on
display, and to give attendees the
opportunity to have a meet-and-
Businesses on Third Avenue in Bay Ridge displayed artwork from local artists
for the Embrace Winter Festival. Photo by Arthur de Gaeta
Bay Ridge ‘embraces winter’
greet with the artists.
The price of joining the “Art
Walk” was $20, which launched
at Owl Head Yoga on 73rd Street
and continued to 89th Street
where the tour concluded with a
reception at Third Avenue newcomer
Cellary, a wine cellar, with
noshes from ALC Italian Grocery.
Hofmo extended her gratitude
to the many participating artists
and businesses who make the festival
possible each year, and a special
thanks to the business owners
who helped put on the reception.
“I just want to say thank the
merchants who decided to partner
with the artists,” she said,
adding that she hopes for the
return of activities and performances
they have had in previous
years, which they decided
against having this year to play
it safe since the pandemic.