1 TO 3 BEDROOM CONDOS STARTING AT $685,000 NOW SELLING 21-10 44TH DRIVE, LONG ISLAND CITY FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 646.290.4059 OR VISIT THEDECKERLIC.COM SALES OFFICE LOCATED AT 47-46 VERNON BLVD, LONG ISLAND CITY ENTRANCE ON 48TH AVE 2 APRI L 2 0 1 7 The complete offering terms are in an offering plan available from the sponsor. File No. CD160297 Sponsor: Impex Builders LLC, 1517 Voorhies Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11235. Equal Housing Opportunity. MS_Decker_Boro_ƒV2.indd 1 3/29/17 10:55 AM SERVING
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