Pol funds western Queens beautifi cation
Constantinides puts $299,000 toward improvements in Astoria and Jackson Heights
Councilman Costa Constantinides
announced a $299,000
worth of funding to provide
beautification efforts in his
district over the next year
on Aug. 29.
“Litter and graffiti shouldn’t
plague our streets on a daily
basis,” said Constantinides.
“Thanks to the Cleaner NYC
initiative, we’ve been able to
bring more cleanup resources
to western Queens to keep our
streets livable.”
A $225,000 chunk of the
funding will go to the Association
of Community Employment
Programs for the
Homeless (ACE) to help them
assist with sidewalk sweeping
services throughout Astoria.
The program, based in western
Queens, provides jobs and
support for recovering homeless
people that include sweeping
efforts in parts of 30th
Avenue, Ditmars Boulevard,
Shore Boulevard and Hoyt
Avenue North.
“Through this initiative,
the Council member has also
opened up meaningful employment
opportunities for men
Councilman Costa Constantinides announced a $299,000 in funding on Thursday to provide beautification efforts in his district over the
next year. Photo courtesy of Councilman Costa Constantinides’ offifi ce.
and women who are overcoming
histories of homelessness,
incarceration and substance
use disorder,” said James Martin,
executive director of ACE.
Central Astoria Local
Development Coalition
(CALDC) received $35,000 to
continue its efforts sprucing
up 30th Avenue.
Constinides granted $20,000
to the Queens Economic Development
Corporation for
graffiti removal.
The Department of Sanitation
got $10,000 from the councilman’s
office for additional
garbage pickups near Ditmars
Boulevard and 31st Street.
Constantinides also is providing
a $9,000 allocation to the
Jackson Heights Beautification
Group to support its current
efforts advocating for sustainability
through gardening and
neighborhood events.
“This funding will not just
clean up trash along Ditmars
Boulevard, care for street trees,
or clean up around the BQE, it
will help neighbors come together
to improve their community
which builds community,”
said Nuala O’Doherty, president
of the Jackson Heights
Beautification Group.
State police part of probe into Breezy Point hate crime
Governor Andrew Cuomo
directed the state police to
help investigate anti-Semitic
vandalism found on Aug. 30 at
the Silver Gull Beach Club in
Breezy Point.
The New York Times reported
on Sept. 1 about an
email sent to club members
about the hateful graffiti
found in the resort’s playground.
The racist smears,
the Times reported, included
the words “Heil Hitler” and
“gas chamber” spelled out in
red block letters. Club workers
have since painted over the
hateful filth.
Because the Silver Gull
Beach Club sits on property
within the Gateway National
Recreational Area,
the incident is now being
investigated by the U.S.
Parks Police, according to
The New York Times.
On Sept. 2, Cuomo dispatched
the New York State
Police to assist with the probe,
saying he was “disgusted” by
the crime and vowed that the
police would help “ensure the
cowards responsible are held
accountable to the fullest extent
of the law.”
“Enough is enough. Every
single elected official in this
state — Democrat and Republican
— must come together
to denounce these continued
acts of hatred and attempts to
intimidate and terrorize. We
must also call these vile acts
what they are — they are hate
crimes and they are illegal,”
Cuomo said in a statement.
“Let me be very clear: we have
zero tolerance for hate of any
kind in New York.”
Located near the western
tip of the Rockaway Peninsula,
the Silver Gull Beach Club has
been a summer destination
for New York City residents
for more than half a century,
including cabanas overlooking
Bigots left anti-Semitic writing at areas of the Silver Gull Beach Club in Breezy Point just before the
start of the Labor Day weekend. Photo via Facebook/Silver Gull Beach Club
the Atlantic Ocean.
City Councilmen Donovan
Richards and Eric Ulrich,
along with state Senator Joe
Addabbo, have also condemned
the hate crime.
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