It’s time to shine a light on sexual assaults against correction offi cers
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As the daughter
of a longtime
correction officer,
who then retired
as a captain in the
department, I grew
up hearing the stories
of what it’s like to work in our city’s
correctional facilities. My mother, who
passed away this past February, worked
hard to support my family, oft en taking on
double shift s to ensure that my sister and I
had everything we needed. Like my mother,
almost half of all correction offi cers are
women of color, and a large percentage are
single parents who are providing for their
families to the best of their abilities.
Th at’s why I was outraged and infuriated
when a group of women correction
offi cers met with me to detail the horrors
they faced on a daily basis on Rikers
Island. Offi cers have been sexually assaulted,
harassed, molested, and have had fl uids
thrown at them by detainees. One
woman was even groped while pregnant.
Th e women correction offi cers described
how traumatized, humiliated and disrespected
they have felt for years. Th ey have
been emotionally and physically violated,
yet they felt overwhelmingly ignored by
the Department of Correction and other
authorities who failed to respond with the
proper sense of urgency.
Th e women, who are courageous
enough to come forward with these stories,
also shared that male detainees were
dictating to the department that they
wanted to be assigned female offi cers —
and they oft en got their way. Moreover,
the correction offi cers expressed their dismay
at the lack of resources, services and
care for the victims of these lewd actions.
In the era of #MeToo, we will never accept
sexual assault, abuse or harassment in
society, so why should female correction
offi cers tolerate these heinous acts that
take place inside our jails, away from the
public eye?
Th e humanitarian crisis on Rikers Island
has become an utter disaster. Fourteen
detainees have now died under the city’s
watch, including six suicides, and the conditions
are so dangerous that even more
lives are at risk. Th e lack of medical attention,
food, showers and basic services has
only exacerbated the state of emergency.
Yet, while much of the attention has been
rightly focused on the pain and suff ering
of those who are incarcerated, we must
not forget or overlook the health and safety
of correction offi cers who are working
double and triple tours, sleeping in
their cars between shift s and experiencing
sexual violence from detainees. Th eir
plight does not receive nearly enough recognition
or widespread indignation, but
correction offi cers deserve dignity and
respect, too.
Part of the problem is that the
Department of Correction does not publicly
report on the sheer volume of sexual
violence that takes place inside our
jails, whether it’s against detainees or staff .
Th at needs to change. Another issue is
that not enough detainees who commit
these degrading acts are held accountable.
According to the Correction Offi cer’s
Benevolent Association, since Jan. 1, 24
DOC employees have been victims of
sexual assault by detainees. Of those 24
workers, 17 were correction offi cers, 16 of
whom were women, and the others were
correction captains or civilian employees.
Only 13 perpetrators were re-arrested,
and just six cases led to an indictment.
Unsurprisingly, correction offi cers don’t
feel as if these infl ictions that are occurring
in their workplace lead to suffi cient
consequences. Th ey don’t feel supported
aft er these traumatizing experiences. We
cannot accept that status quo. Th at is why
I intend to introduce legislative measures
to increase the penalties for sexual assaults
and harassment committed against correction
offi cers. We need to make it clear
to correction offi cers and detainees that
dehumanizing actions are not acceptable
and will lead to serious repercussions, no
matter where they take place.
We need to collectively shine a brighter
light on this ongoing crisis inside our
already disastrous jails. We can no longer
leave correction offi cers, especially
women who have been subjected to
repeated attacks, in the dark. Th ey deserve
safety and justice just like everyone else,
and it’s time to step up and protect them
from this deplorable behavior.
Council member Adrienne Adams
represents District 28 in Queens. She chairs
the Public Safety Committee and co-chairs
the Black, Latino, and Asian Caucus, and is
a member of the Women’s Caucus.
Tuesday, Nov. 2, is Election Day
and is the time everyone who is eligible
should get out and vote!
As reported, 67% of eligible
American voters voted in the presidential
election last year. But on
average, only about 15% come out
and vote in local elections. Th is is
something I fi nd so very sad.
Th ere are those I have spoken
with who say they won’t vote
because their vote will not make
a diff erence. Well, their vote does
make a diff erence.
Th is election will determine
the next mayor of New York
City — Democrat Eric Adams or
Republican Curtis Sliwa. But think
about this: Th e right or wrong
mayor could make or break our
great city.
Th ere are many issues facing
us like unemployment, housing,
homelessness, rising food costs, the
pandemic, vaccine mandates and
crime. Th e issues are many more
and have to be addressed. Th at is
why we must vote for the candidates
who can best deal with these
issues and get the job done. Th at is
why we must all get out and vote.
I’m 72 years old and have voted
since 1970 — even while I was in
the military. And I will get out and
vote on Nov. 2 because I believe it
is my civic responsibility to make
my community a better and safer
place to live.
So, get out and vote, because it
will make a diff erence!
Frederick R. Bedell Jr., Bellerose