Upgrade your morning routine
to ease arthritis joint pain
Th e sun rises, you fl utter your eyes
open and take a deep breath. It’s time
to start the day, but before you even get
out of bed, you know it’s going to be a
tough one. For the more than 30 million
Americans with osteoarthritis, waking
up with soreness or stiff ness in the
joints can make mornings particularly
diffi cult.
“Aft er a night of inactivity due to sleep,
people with osteoarthritis may fi nd that
their joints tend to feel stiff when they
wake up,” explained rheumatologist Dr.
Micah Yu. “While mornings can be diffi
cult, they also can be an opportunity to
start your morning routine, soothe aches
and pains and set yourself up for a productive
According to a recent study conducted
by OnePoll on behalf of Voltaren, 59% of
Americans with osteoarthritis said their
arthritis pain makes it diffi cult to get out
of bed in the morning, and 79% said it
negatively aff ects them three or more days
a week. Dr. Yu wants to help people who
experience arthritis symptoms feel their
best. Here are his recommendations for a
pain-relieving morning routine:
Wake up well
While still in bed, do a body scan and
note any areas of pain. Start at the top
of your head and mentally scan down
for tension and stiff ness. Doing gentle
stretches in bed can help awaken the mind
and body. For example, open and close
your jaw, turn your head slowly from side
to side and circle your wrists. For persistent
arthritis pain, some people fi nd using
a heated blanket or heated mattress pad
for 10 to 20 minutes in the morning to
be soothing.
Take a warm shower
Heat and moisture work together to
eff ectively soothe arthritis pain, so start
your day with a shower. Keep the water
warm to help loosen muscles and joints,
but not too hot since it may irritate the
skin. Personal trainer and fi tness expert
Pete McCall suggests doing stretches
while the warm water soothes muscles,
such as shoulder rolls and head tilts.
Avoid any stretches that require balancing
and use a shower chair or hand grips
to steady yourself if necessary.
Apply topicals
An eff ective option for treating arthritis
is Voltaren Arthritis Pain Gel, the fi rst prescription
strength, over-the-counter nonsteroidal
anti-infl ammatory gel. It targets
arthritis pain directly at the source to provide
powerful relief. Unlike most other
over-the-counter topicals, Voltaren Gel
treats arthritis joint pain and doesn’t just
mask it. Voltaren Gel treats joint pain by
delivering medicine directly at the source.
Apply Voltaren Gel in the morning and a
total of four times per day to help relieve
arthritis pain all day long. Voltaren Gel is
available at CVS stores nationwide.
Fuel up
A good breakfast fuels the body with
satisfying nutrients. Joints need to stay
lubricated, so start with a glass of water
or sip on some green tea. Opt for a breakfast
that features foods that fi ght infl ammation
and boost the immune system,
such as cherries, oranges, broccoli, lowfat
dairy products and whole grains like
Get moving
Motion is like lotion for your muscles
and joints, and light exercise in the morning
can help reduce joint pain and kickstart
the day. Th is could be taking a virtual
yoga class or taking a walk through
your neighborhood. Exercising increases
blood fl ow, strengthens muscles and helps
you maintain a healthy weight - all things
that help with arthritis pain. If you’re not
sure which exercises are appropriate for
you, speak with your doctor. Even small
amounts of movement matter, so start
with just 5 or 10 minutes of exercise.
“Although there is no cure for arthritis,
there are things you can do to help reduce
pain in your joints,” says Yu. “Th e morning
is the optimal time to take steps that
help you feel your best all day long.”
— Courtesy of BPT
September is Pain Awareness Month