It was a powerful week being
with extraordinary women.
First, we celebrated
our annual Power Women
of Queens event at the iconic
Terrace on the Park.
For more than 20 years, we
have celebrated Power Women,
and this year, we honored 40
extraordinary women who are
doing great things for the people
of Queens.
Th ere was an extraordinary
mix of strong multi-ethnic
women from diff erent backgrounds
who represented
the true diversity of our
borough. As we stood on
the Penthouse terrace
with the full moon shining
down on us, York
College President Dr.
Berenecea Johnson Eanes
and Queensborough
Community College
President Dr. Christine
Mangino joined the powerful
Star Network of women.
I loved the energy and joy on
each of the honorees’ faces as
they took to the red carpet to
receive her “Vicki” statuette.
Yvette Dennis rocked in a
hard hat and fl uorescent vest
as she strutted, danced, pranced
and brought down the house!
What fun it was to see everybody
having a great time!
Aft er all, it is the ultimate
networking event!
Th en, I relished the commitment
to save wild horses out
west with CANA Foundation
Founder Manda Kalimian at
her home, launching her book
“Born to be Wild.”
Th e following day, I delighted
in celebrating Southampton
Village Mayor Jesse Warren’s
engagement to Martyna Sokol!
Week of wonderful women
Albert Kalimian with
his sisters at the
fundraiser for his wife’s
CANA Foundation.
On Sunday, Westhampton’s
Shock owner Elyse Richman
joined her colleagues from
the Westhampton fi re house
for a 5K run and walk starting
in Brooklyn to support the
Tunnel to Towers Foundation.
Th ey traversed the tunnel from
Brooklyn to Manhattan, following
the footsteps of 9/11
hero Firefi ghter Stephen Siller
to never forget the sacrifi ces
of our fi rst responders and
military heroes.
Ironically, the warm, sun-fi lled
day mimicked the scene of the
tragic attack on the World Trade
Center 20 years ago.
What an extraordinary week
it was!
Manda Kalimian was joined by (l. to r.) Assemblymen Steve Stern and
Charles Lavine, Suffff olk Cty. Exec. Steve Bellone, NYT Journalist David
Philipps, Former Rep. Steve Israel and Albert Kalimian.
At Westhampton
Beach’s Hampton
S y n a g o g u e ’ s
sukkah, I chatted with
Tovah Feldshuh and
learned that her successful
show, “Becoming Dr.
Ruth,” is slated to open
at the Museum of Jewish
Heritage on Dec. 4. I saw
it at the Bay Street Th eater
and believe me when I saw
it is not to be missed. It
made me laugh, cry and
smile — that’s what great
theatre is all about! Tickets
for the show go on sale
in early October. You
can place your order at
I had the pleasure of
honoring, among others,
Dr. Chrsitine Mangino and
Dr. Berenecea Johnson Eanes
Elyse Richman of Shock in Westhampton joined
her fellow fifi refifi ghters for the 5K supporting the
Tunnel to Towers Foundation.
Celebrating Jesse Warren’s engagement
to Martyna Sokol.