Jamaica Hospital receives over $500K in
funding from Queens borough president
It was a momentous day for staff members
at Jamaica Hospital Medical Center
as Queens Borough President Donovan
Richards announced on Friday, Aug. 27, a
$589,000 investment to replace fi ve aging
ultrasound machines with new, state-ofthe
art mobile equipment that can be
used in any setting to accommodate individuals
with disabilities.
Richards was joined by the President
and CEO of Jamaica Hospital Bruce Flanz,
Assemblyman David Weprin, hospital
leadership and community leaders for the
announcement outside of the hospital’s
Emergency Walk-In entrance at 8900 Van
Wyck Expwy. in Richmond Hill.
As Queens was the “epicenter of the epicenter”
of the COVID-19 pandemic 17
months ago, Richards said they’re looking
forward to a “more resilient normal
for Queens.”
“Normal was never good enough. We
need to move into a space where there’s a
new normal where healthcare is a human
right for everybody, while institutions
across Queens have the latest and greatest
technology,” Richards said. “Th is is one of
my fi rst investments to Jamaica Hospital.”
Th e project, which is fully funded by
Richards, will allow the hospital’s radiology
department to perform advanced
imaging, such as elastography, and off er a
non-invasive ways to diagnose and assess
the severity of diseases such as liver fi brosis,
instead of conducting more invasive
biopsies and other procedures.
Including the $598,000 allocation to
Jamaica Hospital, Richards has provided
more than $11.9 million in funding to
healthcare facilities across the borough
since taking offi ce amidst the ongoing
pandemic — the greatest public health
crisis the borough has faced in more than
a century.
Richards acknowledged the hospital’s
staff for their sacrifi ce and resiliency to
help save lives during the height of the
pandemic in March 2020.
“Th e staff at Jamaica Hospital were
working double and triple shift s fi ghting
a virus we knew nothing about — in
some cases, without the PPE they needed
to keep them safe,” Richards said.
“Th ey handled this unprecedented crisis
with true grace and compassion. Th ey
were even there to comfort our relatives,
friends and neighbors as they passed
While Richards commended the doctors
and nurses for their outstanding
work, Flanz thanked the borough president
for his generous allocation and support
for the hospital that has been serving
the community for 46 years.
“We strive to deliver quality and compassionate
services to meet the unique
challenges of every patient,” Flanz said.
“Receiving the support of the borough
president is not only helping us to expand
our eff ort in radiology, but it also helps the
hospital to continue our mission in caring
for our community in off ering world-class
healthcare services close to home.”
Flanz also congratulated the hospital
for being recognized as one of
America’s Top 250 Hospitals and its
Radiology Department’s high achievement
by the American
College of Radiology and
Diagnostic Imaging Center
of Excellence.
Brian Pinnock, a clinical
laboratory technology
specialist at the
hospital and a
member of
the SEIU
said the
hospital is
very well
of the
that will provide
art ultrasound.
“I worked every day during the
COVID outbreak and we saw what happened.
In the beginning, it was confusing
— we experienced seeing diff erent
results that were abnormal and we were
wondering what was going on,” Pinnock
As an 1199 delegate, Pinnock said he
made sure everyone in the lab was protected,
even though some of their members
contracted the virus.
“In the beginning, we were told it
wasn’t that contagious and we didn’t
have enough PPE,” Pinnock said. “We at
1199 need the support of our representatives
who continue to fi ght alongside us
every day for top-quality healthcare that
we deserve.”
Weprin, who represents Richmond
Hill, also thanked the hospital for the
work they’ve done, even before the virus
hit the borough.
“Jamaica Hospital is right here on the
front line involved in so many emergencies.
Th ey do such outstanding work.
I am proud to be the assemblyman
for Jamaica Hospital, and it’s great that
Borough President Richards is recognizing
the work they do,” Weprin said.
“I know they will put the allocation to
good use immediately.”
Reverend Princess Th orbs McGee
of Community Board 12 also thanked
Richards and the hospital for the work
they’ve done.
“You cannot build bricks without your
straw, and the straw is what came from
our borough president,” Th orns McGee
said. “You need this money and the
equipment to be able to do the work that
needs to be done. Maybe there will be
an expansion — maybe there will be a
Jamaica Hospital No. 2.”
Brian Pinnock, a clinical laboratory technology
specialist at the hospital, speaks at the press
Queens Borough President Donovan Richards, Rev. Princess Thorbs McGee of Community Board 12
and Assemblyman David Weprin.
Photos by Carlotta Mohamed
Jamaica Hospital Medical Center staff members and community leaders gathered outside of the hospital’s Emergency Walk-In entrance.