back to school
Make the Grade with Back-to-School Lunches
Back-to-school time means it’s back
to being busy before, during and aft er
school, so it’s time for parents and kids to
create new routines. From early wakeup
calls to shuttling kids to school and activities,
ease the morning mayhem by incorporating
a simple meal-planning strategy.
As a parent, look for fresh, make-ahead
options your kids will enjoy. Serve up
lunchbox love by mixing up the classic
sandwich with a spin on sushi in
this Bento Box Lunch recipe. It’s a creative
way to deliver nutritious, wholesome
ingredients that will make the whole
lunchroom drool. Plus, it’s something
you can take for lunch too.
No matter what meals you’re prepping,
a store like ALDI can be your solution
for packing tasty and better-for-you
choices for lunches and on-the-go snacks.
With high-quality ingredients at aff ordable
prices, ALDI off ers what you need to
get ready for the days ahead.
For more recipes and meal prepping
ideas, visit aldi.us.
Bento Box Lunch
• Recipe courtesy of Chef Alyssa, ALDI
Test Kitchen
• Prep time: 10 minutes
• Cook time: 30 minutes
• Total time: 40 minutes
• Servings: 4
“Sushi Roll”:
• 4 slices SimplyNature Knock Your
Sprouts Off Sprouted Low Sodium 7
Grain Bread
• 4 slices Lunch Mate Never Any! Turkey
• 1 teaspoon Burman’s Yellow Mustard
• 1/2 avocado, sliced
• 1 mini cucumber, cut into 3-inch-by-
1/4-inch sticks
Quinoa Salad:
• 1 cup SimplyNature Organic Quinoa,
• 1/4 cup Southern Grove Sliced Almonds
• 2 mandarin oranges, peeled and separated
• 1/4 cup Southern Grove Dried
• 3 bunches green onions, sliced
• 1 teaspoon Carlini Pure Olive Oil
• Stonemill Iodized Salt, to taste
• Stonemill Ground Black Pepper, to taste
Broccoli Salad:
• 1 large head broccoli, chopped
• 1/4 cup Southern Grove Sliced Almonds
• 1/4 cup Southern Grove Dried
• 1 teaspoon Fusia Soy Sauce
• 1/2 cup Friendly Farms Vanilla Nonfat
Greek Yogurt
• Stonemill Ground Black Pepper, to taste
Cinnamon Apples:
• 1 Granny Smith apple, sliced
• 1 tablespoon Nature’s Nectar Lemon
• 1 teaspoon Stonemill Ground
To make “Sushi Roll”: Trim crust from
bread. Using rolling pin, roll out bread
slices to 1/8-inch thickness. Top with turkey,
mustard, avocado and cucumber.
Roll into cylinder, wrap with plastic wrap
and cut in half.
To make Quinoa Salad: In medium
bowl, combine quinoa, almonds, oranges,
cranberries, green onions and olive oil;
season to taste with salt and pepper.
To make Broccoli Salad: In medium
bowl, combine broccoli, almonds, cranberries,
soy sauce and yogurt; season to
taste with pepper.
To make Cinnamon Apples: Toss
apples with lemon juice and cinnamon.
Place in sandwich bags and wrap tightly.
Organize equal amounts of “Sushi
Rolls,” Quinoa Salad, Broccoli Salad and
Cinnamon Apples in separate bento box
Courtesy Family Features