New York Hall of Science’s new exhibit invites
visitors to explore the meaning of happiness
Just in time for summer break, the New
York Hall of Science (NYSCI) in Queens
is set to offi cially reopen its doors to the
public on July 8 aft er it was closed for
nearly 18 months because of the COVID-
19 pandemic.
Dr. Margaret Honey, president and
CEO of NYSCI, was visibly excited about
the re-opening and shared that her entire
team used the involuntary hiatus to invest
in improving the experience for visitors.
“Our amazing exhibits team has not
only created this beautiful happiness
experience, but throughout the entire
building, there are new experiences and
refreshed experiences, and they’ve just
been amazing,” Honey explained on July
2. “Th is day has been a long time in the
making, and we are thrilled.”
One of the new experiences is “Th e
Happiness Experiment,” created during
the COVID-19 pandemic. It delves into
the neuroscience and social science of
happiness and invites visitors to explore
what happiness means, how it shapes
their lives, and how they can have greater
control over an emotion that became
more meaningful during the COVID-19
Dana Hemes, exhibition content developer
for NYSCI, explained that they
began developing the idea for the experiment
in 2019, which initially was intended
to be a “delightful experience” for
the holidays. However, as the COVID-19
pandemic in 2020 progressed, it encouraged
the team “to rethink the theme of
happiness and the role of it in our lives.”
“We were noticing that even through
this challenging time, people were fi nding
these moments of joy or happiness, and
that was actually quite benefi cial,” Hemes
said before explaining that the experiment
focuses on areas people have control
over. “If 2020 taught us anything,
you don’t have control of the world
around you. We wanted to empower
our visitors to leave feeling a little
bit more knowledgeable about how
their brains and bodies work. But
also have a set of tools in their back
pocket, so they can maybe practice
some of these habits and integrate
them into their lives.”
Located on the upper level of
the north wing, “Th e Happiness
Experiment” is fi lled with numerous
immersive areas which invite
visitors to explore the diff erent
variables that aff ect happiness
levels and discover how environmental,
social and behavioral factors can
aff ect emotions and well-being.
Some areas teach how the external
world aff ects the mood, while some
encourage guests to look at the mind and
body connection. Th e experiment teaches
visitors how to have greater control over
their happiness, even in the face of challenges
and other infl uences.
Th e photo booth experience asks visitors
to express six diff erent positive emotions,
which are projected on diff erent
colored backgrounds and show that happiness
isn’t the only benefi cial feeling.
Th e “Happiness is Fleeting” activity
addresses hedonic adaptation, which
means that the infl ux of happiness eventually
will return to the normal sense of
joy and well-being. Simply put, nothing
will make one happy forever, not even
winning the lottery.
Visitors can turn dials with symbols
like an alarm clock, ice cream, dancing
or a spider indicating whether the image
makes them happy or unhappy. Th e dials
immediately kickback to the baseline at
diff erent speeds.
Th e “Higher Energy” area shows how
exercise plays a vital role in improving
mental well-being, while the natural area
next to it explains a practice called “Forest
Bathing,” which originated in Japan in
the ’80s.
“Basically, you’re hanging out with these
plants. It reduces cortisol, it can reduce
your blood pressure, and it’s been proven
to be quite useful for you,” Hemes
Another experiment asks visitors to
write down their stories, which they can
either share with other visitors or shred.
Visitors can buy timed tickets online,
and for the safety of all guests, masks will
be required for all patrons.
Dr. Margaret Honey, president and CEO of
NYSCI, and exhibition developer Dana Hemes.
Photos by Gabriele Holtermann
“The Happiness Experiment” explores the many varieties of happiness and learn how and why
humans experience happiness.
NYSCI visitors get a sneak preview and hands-on experience of “The Happiness Experiment.”